Chief EnJin is feeling Blessed
2 yrs

We have an Affiliate System now live again! My Affiliates page is now upgraded to show a tree of referrals. You can visit your My Affiliates area inside of General Settings (click your icon top right). Next is getting chat fully done up right. Let's Go like Chief Spirit Warrior says (Spirit Warrior) !


#lightupdate #loveupdate #love #updates #letsgo #ain

Chief EnJin is feeling Loved
2 yrs

Tumult Assurance system has now been added to The L.O.V.E. App. All accounts including post content, chats, files, and Wallet Balance (all cash in your account here) is covered by Tumult.Ca 's $25,000,000 Hard Asset protection, PER ACCOUNT. This is the start of many upgrades, coming to the L.O.V.E. App members!
Update your General Settings (scroll to the bottom) with your member number to apply immediate and full coverage.

#asmin #ain #love #lightupdate #loveupadte #oakanagan #assurance #youraccountissafernow

Chief EnJin shared a post  
2 yrs

L.O.V.E. is being featured at 12 LIVE on Goose Magazine!

We will be talking about our community, The L.O.V.E. App and our new global satellite smartphone. Let's go tribes. !!!

Charlie Stivers Bobby Love Stephen Fantl Phoenix Som Chen Errol Starr Francis

#asmin #metistribes #ain #okanaganindiancinfederacy #bigblessed

Charlie Stivers added new product for sell.
2 yrs


GOO$E Magazine· In stock
Price $14.99 (USD)
Type New

Print magazine delivered to your door to help you find the next Golden Goose in crypto. Unplug and read a high-value content magazine all about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and digital assets while teaching best practices to keep your Golden Goose alive. No pump and dumps.

Chief EnJin is feeling Loved
2 yrs

Welcome to the Métis Clan Mother Tribes, Askit, ASMIN, Chen's and everyone that has helped bring our community live and finally work to get support to enhance Matriarch Q, and thank you for grouping together in support of unceded Grass Roots tribes like ours at Okanagan Indian Confederacy... You are family of tribes as one!. A ton of updates are coming in the next 3 weeks to help our families support local communities together better. Please post bugs and things you need help learning. #matriarchq #okanaganindianconfedwracy #clanmothersrocktheplanet #ain #askit #asmin #chen #lightupdates #loveupdates Errol Starr Francis Stephen Fantl Som Chen