There is 17 apps including this one that is being updated for global release. This includes repairs of any bugs. Many of our apps are now on Google Play, L.O.V.E. Phone, and soon to IOS. I will make official announcements about our starting apps with others from our Tribes. A global unified collective is now. #privacy4tribes #tribecreatedapps #turtleislands #1stnationsgrassroots #love #loveupdate #lightupdate
♥ Global Announcement ♥
L.O.V.E. Community, we've been hard at work to create a multitude of products that never sells your data. One very important update to this cause is our new Market. Before we start sharing to communities globally, definitely join it and put in your products and services into Market.Light.Delivery. It's free SEO if nothing else!
(https://market.light.delivery). It's free to list, and free to get exposure forever, and not that pricey when we get you a new sell. The more we grow, the more you grow, like a Tribe should be. ♥
People know me as Chief EnJin of Okanagan Indian Confederacy
and Light Indigenous Confederacy.