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5 Anggota

Stone Circle Xpress - Part 4 of 4

* ProphESease *

~ How many Droplets from how many Prophesies Compose the Symphony Manifesting as the Spirit Dancer you name as Your-Self?
~ Where, not When, is Your True Beginning and Your True End?
~ And when will Your Veils, which separates the Bystander you from your Warrior-Poet Self, be permitted to dissolve like the Dew in the Rising Sun and reveal the Victory to which you have Co-Authored throughout the Beginning of Every End and throughout the End of Every Beginning?

* Cuztoms Cleared! & Duty Paid!

All My Relations - WE...

Stone Circle Xpress - Part 3 of 4

* ProphESease *

~ For the FOOL who tells the Droplet that “You (OH Cleaver of Mountains) are not as Powerful as the Ocean”, deserves not but desolation in a barren wasteland devoid of Song & Spirit.

~ And such FOOL who tells the Droplet that “You (OH Citadel of Life) are Separate from the Creator’s Source”, deserves not but to lavish in the Madness of Isolation and the Torment of a Pretenders Pain for the Mercy of one Glimpse upon Decency.

Stone Circle Xpress - Part 2 of 4

* ProphESease *

~ For the Beginning and the End are always present within the Faithful and Diligent Droplets, whom carry the Life, Rhythm & Flow of the Creator and are a Blessing upon all they Touch, and neither are they more prescient or mundane for they are both entwined in the Eternal Dance of each Moment, reaching out from within each Cell, which Sings in Praise to a Glorious Memory Thriving in the Songs of the Time before the Great Forgetting.

Stone Circle Xpress - Part 1 of 4

* ProphESease *

At what point after raining down to carve the Valleys & Rivers out from the Mountains, taming the Wildest of Erupting Fires, binding Earth to Sky by Misty Arched Ribbons, rushing the Four-Winds out from their places of Hiding, bejeweling the fields of Blades for the Dawns first Ceremony, floating the Voyagers quest for Being, nourishing the abundance of Breath & Feast, quenching the foragers Thirst, drumming to the Dreamers Dreams, bathing the Newborn Cherished and replenishing the Purity of the Oceans, did the Droplet ask “is this the Beginning or the End of my Journey?”

Okawita Paha (Black Elk Peak), the gathering place, and the highest elevation between the Rocky Mountains in the western United States and the Pyrenees Mountains in France (8K KMS East). The course of Lakota Elder - Black Elk’s life was set by a vision of this peak he had seen while comatose at the age of nine, and the circle of his life was completed when he later climbed it as an elder. There, at the highest point, he saw the Hoop of the entire World beneath where he stood and he received a vision, that the Great Spirit would gather together all the nations of the earth and lead them on the good red road to the day of great peace.


Welcome Co-Curators and to this co-cultivated Sacred-Garden, a Well-Spring, Oasis, Sanctuary and Boon for all Travelers.

Within the Sacred-Earth-Garden we are surrounded by fragments of Wisdom, Beauty, Courage, Love, Mercy & Grace, scattered cautiously so as to conceal their unlimited power (often polluted /plundered / insulted by fools), yet revealing to the sincere seeker in unexpected ways, in times of need/readiness.

As we wander along our chosen path, we may at times face challenges (some may at first appear insur