Global Women’s Water Initiative

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Global Women’s Water Initiative (GWWI) transforms women from being passive recipients of failed water projects into water providers, thereby saving lives and improving their communities!

The Global Women’s Water Initiative (GWWI) train women to become water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) technicians, trainers and social entrepreneurs bringing clean water, health and wealth to their communities.  Since 2012, GWWI has recruited hundreds of women trainees to attend our 4-year Women and Water Leadership Academy. Collectively, they have had an incredible impact!

Join the GWWI group on L.O.V.E. here, and donate by visiting their website at:

Janet T Winterz 2 yrs

Unfortunately, Stephen, according to Nigerian Women maintaining these untrue stereotypes are what keep us North American's ignorant of the truth to what is actually occurring in African communities. I am unable to transpose what they are saying from Facebook. You need to know that this stereotype so frustrates Africans that they have given up on educating the "Western Countries" of the truth. They refuse to engage with us any longer because of it. And now many Westerners are being chased out of Africa for it.