The Four Bodies: Your Bio-Spiritual Being

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You are a multi-dimensional being, this explains how your spiritual, mental, physical, and legal (you in commerce) bodies interact and effect one another. There are many ways to explain you many bodies (layers, sheaths, koshas.. many names), this is just one for our specific purpose of pu


Spirit, as a singular wave field, fractionalizes itself into multiple holograms of the originating singular particle/wave-field. The particle and wave-field are one in the same, this is because the energy-particle is placed in motion, creating a wave, at it’s immediate inception. Mind is the peripheral state of the individuated consciousness/energy-particle.

The perception of a individual Self exists only in Mind, and only in relation to other individual Self’s existing in the field of Minds.

The physical body is animated by, acts upon the dictates of, and is bound to the Mind. Without Mind the physical body is a empty shell devoid of value, except for perhaps the blood and organs which can be used to heal other physical  bodies which still have a functioning Mind. Both the physical body and the Mind are naturally sovereign in their state of ISNESS. Sovereignty exists in this relationship inherently.

Within creation “You” function as a multi-dimensional being with body, mind, and spirit; the legal re-presentation of the Bio-Spiritual you creates consequences for the Bio-Spiritual you, it therefore becomes an operational part of who you are, as does everything you think, feel, experience, and perceive.  

For our purposes, “Who You Are” means a single point of consciousness comprised of the above four realms/bodies, anyone of which may be perceiving reality through that particular filter or lens at any given time. When responding to the question “Who Are You?,” are you consciously aware of which realm of your multi-dimensional Self you are answering from?

Sovereignty occurs as our personal experience in life when we align all of our realms/bodies with our sovereign source, and the external world, because all bodies affect one-another. When loss of sovereignty occurs physically, mentally, or legally, in one realm that creates a chain reaction affecting in turn each other realm/body all the way back to our Spirit/Source.

 when the legal body is incarcerated the physical body gets collected;

 when the physical body is disturbed, such as by experiencing the multifaceted, systematic assault of incarceration, the mind becomes disturbed accordingly;

 when the mind is disturbed the body is likewise affected in some way;

 when mind is disturbed it is not remembering or conscious of it’s spiritual source/sovereignty, this is because it is otherwise preoccupied with being conscious of the disturbance.

Sovereignty is always available to us because it is our Source of being, keeping the bodies aligned allows our mental perception/consciousness to access that sovereignty. When disturbance occurs the best way to discharge it is from its source, regardless of where (what jurisdiction/realm) it emanates from. When all your bodies are aligned with their sovereignty, who you are can access that sovereignty across all realms in order to discharge any disturbance/presentment.

The Absolute Truth is eternal, unbounded, unmanifest, and possesses no properties ascertainable and definable in terms of the relative manifest it begets.  Both source and maninfestation are thereby infinite and unfathomable, and each man and woman is a unique aspect/expression of both.

Spiritually we consider “you” as a singularity, as the single “I AM” presence, as well as a fractional (individual/Jiva/Atman) I AM presence. In the spiritual realm, for our purposes, there is no “other,” no relativity whatsoever, just a single consciousness that is either expressed (Right side of above ledger), or unexpressed potential (left side of ledger).

Who you are spiritually is inherently difficult for the mind to imagine, this is because your mind is a individuated projection, and a derivative projection at that, of who you are at the spiritual level. Spirit simply IS, no understanding or mind is required at this meta-level of who you are because all is known to the One un-individuated Self.

The mental meta-level of our Selfs is the tool your Spiritual Self is using to experience creation from a point of individuated relativity. The spiritual Self can know itself but it cannot experience it’s Self, for that reason it must create derivate minds and bodies from which to experience the differing aspects of it’s Self.

Who you are as a spiritual being cannot be diminished, it is the beginning and the end of who you are as a individual experience. This is your space of supreme sovereignty, your source of free-will, and co-creatorship of Nature.

Individual Spiritual “You”

Who you are as a Individual Spirit within the field of creation can be imagined as a energy-particle, that energy-particle is the fractional piece of the “I Am” singularity discussed above. The energy-particle is so small that it can no further be divided, it is so small it functions not so much as a particle but as a wave. The energy-particle is in motion at it’s inception, so it functions as a wave. The originating nexus/zero point of the energy particles wave is what can be imagined as “you” the individual Experiencer/Soul/Spirit/Perceiver.

The energy-particle can be thought of as a fractional piece of the underlying static state of nature, devoid of motion, except that the energy particle is currently in motion.


The energy-particle functions as a whirling wave, placed into motion by the pressure of the static state which is all around it. Because of its speedy whirling motion, it radiates a constant spreading wave all around. The whole Universe is fully packed with energy-particles.

The Self, the universal Source, sometimes called by such names as the “Unified Field,” “Universal Field,” “Absolute,” “scalar field,” etc., has no frequencies or wavelengths; it is not the field of motion. Waves, which do have motion, exist and function in the Relative, the realm of creation. All manifest existence, such as particles, atoms, molecules, and masses, consist of waves and their interactions. All waves exist and move within the underlying and pervasive Unified Field, which is a static realm of pure information content. Indeed, all creation may be thought of as the effect of the Self introducing into its static absolute field of pure information the element of instability or perturbation. Crucial points of this matter include the following:

  1. Nothing exists or can exist that is not of, from, within, created by, consist of, be an expression of, and be experienced and known by, it’s Source, i.e., the Self. Realization of this has engendered such timeless summations of the matter as: “Tat twam asi” (Sanskrit/Vedic meaning “I am That, thou art That, all this is nothing but That”); “I and my Father are One”; “Before Abraham was, I am.”

  1. The aspects of the Self that constitute creation are thought of and labeled in many ways, such as “waves,” “particles,” or even, as in contemporary quantum mechanics, “probability of locating particular parameters of weight, velocity, mass, charge, spin, polarity, etc., etc. concerning any given bit of inscrutable universal stuff within some given set of boundaries.” All these conceptualizations and labels are maps; they are not the territory. Truth is beyond conceptualization.

  1. Any wave is measured and sensed in accordance with the following contents/qualities:

It travels at a speed the upper limit of which is the speed of light;

It may be thought of as a wave, or a particle, or both, or neither;

It carries/transmits information;

It is composed of some kind of energy since it can cause changes (as powerful, violent, and explosive as could be imagined) when impacting with other aspects of manifest creation;

It has frequencies (oscillations).

The very high speed at which waves emerge from a zero-point and travel in orbits/patterns of diverse kinds (as determined by Universal Intelligence) keeps a particular manifestation at a certain distance from other manifestations. This phenomenon of condensation or density enables us to experience the illusions of space, time, and separation.

Wherever the rotating speed of the spinning of waves/particles is reduced, the energy particles attain closer proximity and become associated into groups. According to the number of particles in a family-group, the resulting association is called by a particular name, such as an “atom,” “molecule,” “mass,” and the like.

Not only philosophers and mystics, but physicists and mathematicians, have realized that that which is, is ultimately inscrutable. The Taoist sages laugh at the idea that there is really anything that can be said about it. The great scientist/mathematician, Sir Arthur Eddington, once said of the electron, “Something unknown is doing we don’t know what.”2 Nevertheless, physicists and scientists of diverse kinds have developed innumer-able theories, laws, and technologies based on understanding that manifest existence is composed of something that interacts as, or can be related with, either a wave or a particle, depending upon the nature of the observer/experiencer/evaluator.

Indeed, we have a vast technological industrial/civilization based upon this perspective/conjecture/conceptualization. We need not understand electricity (or the electron) to use it. So, in continuation of this perspective, according to the number of particles/waves in an atom, the intensity of the mass is defined as air, gas, water, or earth. Eventually the functions of the waves/particles in the mass produce five results (as pictorially delineated below).

The whole Universe exists and is rotating within the very same Truth (Unified Field) that is the static, underlying context and source of all that is. Creation “leaves” the Absolute and moves incessantly and with enormous speed and force, without ever leaving the motionless Absolute. In any case, it is the primal scalar field that guides, regulates, and maintains everything in the Universe, imbuing it with appropriate and specific patterns, precision, and regularity.

Clash, reflection, refraction, penetration, and merging are the natural characteristics of the interaction of waves. By these functions, according to the intensity, force, and strength of the waves involved, five important results occur:

  1. Pressure/touch, which is magnetism transformed into pulling and pushing force;

  2. Sound;

  3. Light;

  4. Taste, and

  5. Smell

These five results are nothing but transformed states of waves into what we refer to as physical experiences. Just as the television or radio is a piece of physical equipment, the sounds we hear and the sights we see are the equipments translation of waves into a frequency range perceivable to our senses. The degree of all the above five results, from pressure to taste, depends upon the strength of the pressure-forms of the interacting waves. The wave itself is electro-magnetism.

In the pressure stage, it is magnetism. In the second and third stages (sound and light) it is electricity. In the fourth and fifth stages (taste and smell) it is chemical.  Now you can visualize all your life experiences as the functional conversion of your fractional Consciousness (seated in each energy-particle) as bio-magnetism, sound, light, smell, taste, and thought. 

The collective realm of Spirit is a single unified Self, Father, One-ness. When the energy particles individualize their consciousness, separate into individual points or energy particles of consciousness, only then does relative  spirits/souls/Selfs come into existence, and then only perceptually. The individual spirit/energy-particle/soul exists only as a relative point of perception to other spirits/energy-particles/souls in the universal field, all of which are functioning as wave forms. 


~ Pattern means structural value;

~ Precision means the character, the specific quality of the particle, starting from the natural quality at the time of its evolution and including all the additional qualities developed by its own actions and by its clashes with other phenomena all around In other words, the specific power of any one entity or phenomenon to resist and react with any other thing is the Precision.

~ Regularity means the timing in the functional order of existence, movement and changes in a particle.

Consciousness in all so-called “inanimate” things, from the minutest particle to the greatest of suns, is working with these three principles, Pattern, Precision and Regularity. In all living beings, regardless of the sensitivity or acuity or their senses, the Consciousness develops its activity beyond the above three principles of pattern, precision, and regularity, as Mind (perceptional faculty). Here the function of the Consciousness as Mind is threefold, (i.e.) Cognition, Experience, and Discrimination.

Cognition is to know the difference between two or more objects or experiences – relative definition of some “thing” in the field;

Experience is the feeling of pain and pleasure which is due to the conversion and consumption of bio-magnetism, caused by the action of cognition.

Discrimination is finding the difference between two or more objects or experiences. When one discriminates he perceives the relative field as opposed to the Unified field, which is beyond the capacity of the mind to conceptualize.

As a result of Pattern, Precision, and Regularity, our consciousness, functioning as a Bio-Spiritual  receiver/broadcaster, translates the wave-field of energy-particles into the experiences of sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, thought, emotion. 

The closer you come to source awareness, the closer you come to seeing things as they are (rather than as you are), and the more control you have over your life. When you can experience yourself as distinct from the intellect (the mind and its contents), you are able to see the patterns of assumptions and beliefs that filter and distort your observation and understanding of (and control over) reality. These beliefs, either because they were indoctrinated to serve someone else’s interest, or because they were embraced in a painful moment of fear, confusion, denial, or some other mental/emotional response that prevents absorption/integration/discharge in the now. None of these beliefs, nor the conditions within you that engendered them, is useful to you. Because the results are un-discharged charges sustained in your energy field by continuous expenditure of life force, they are draining and self-sabotaging. In the worse case, they are completely debilitating. Collectively, they determine your viewpoint of life. They govern you from the dark because they are hidden from ordinary intellectual awareness.

Do not forget the terror that many people have for the truth that could set them free. You may think it is an exaggeration to say that people fear truth above all else. They have an emotional, psychological, professional, social, and physical investment in their cherished delusions. In such cases the slightest hint to such a man that he is not, for instance, the separate self he believes he is can make him terrified and rageful. Telling him this can threaten many things within him, including his sense of identity, superiority, self-concept, profession, mode of interacting with others, and even his world view and entire philosophical/intellectual underpinnings. More often than not, the result is  cognitive dissonance,” by which the mind rejects information that does not reinforce its perpetually self-sustained  mode of thinking. This can also trigger a violent reaction against the imparter of such alternative perspectives, giving rise to the impulse to “shoot the messenger” and the admonition of Christ: “Cast not your pearls before swine [stubborn incomprehension], lest they trample them under foot and turn again and rend you.”

People accustomed to prison life, for example, or any other externally structured/enforced context of living (such as the military), often panic when the cell is opened and they are set free. Such people feel lost, and usually do  whatever it takes to be returned to their externally-imposed womb (such as committing another crime in order to be re-arrested), however anti-life their imposed living context may actually be.

In and around every cell infinitesimally tiny particles are circulating, each of which keeps rotating about itself. Due to this self —rotation a "centrifugal force" is generated. This particle when functioning in a physical body is called the "life-force.” This self-rotation gives rise to a "spreading wave" that spreads the life-force throughout the body. Collectively this wave is called "bio-magnetism.” This is the main fuel for all the metabolic routine of the physical body. A small portion of this wave is released through the sense organs-skin, ears, eyes, nose and tongue - after being converted into pressure, sound, light, smell and taste.

This spreading wave of the life-force is called the "bio-magnetism" or the "human magnetism.” The bio-magnetism is the force that maintains the polar attraction between the cells and prevents disintegration of the body.

Role of Bio-Magnetism

A major portion of the bio-magnetism (about 75%) is taken up by the physical body for the purpose of maintaining the metabolic routine - digestion, elimination of waste products, transporting nutrients to where they are needed and transforming food into juice, juice into blood, blood into flesh, flesh into fat, fat into bone, bone into marrow and marrow into sexual vital fluid - in that order.

In this manner, continuous conversion and manufacture are going on within the body. This is the metabolic routine. All this cannot be done unless there is sufficient intensity in the bio-magnetism. In order to execute all these body-functions, the body must be maintained at a proper temperature and here again it is the intensity of the bio-magnetism that is responsible for this temperature maintenance.

The other portion of the bio-magnetism (the balance 25%) goes to the brain-cells to enable them to feel, understand, compare, calculate, imprint, and reflect the experiences and enjoyment. This is called - Mind.

If, for some reason, the intensity of the bio-magnetism becomes less, the result is short-supply for the mind. Your level of alertness comes down, your eyelids become heavy and you doze off. During sleep, greatly reduce supply is required for the mental functions. Metabolic routine - breathing, digestion and blood-circulation - is going on and the intensity of the bio-magnetism picks up gradually. When surplus becomes available for the mental functions, there is automatic reconnection and the mind resumes functioning.

When this bio-magnetism flowing in the body is obstructed at some point, the polarity between the cells is disturbed. Regularly flowing magnetism-gets stagnated. It is the nature of the cells to convert the magnetism into electricity. When the stagnated magnetism is electrified it becomes abnormal and cannot be absorbed or tolerated by the surrounding cells. It becomes a short circuit and starts burning the cells. If this short-circuit affects a small area and lasts only for a short time, that experience is "pain"; if it extends in area or duration it is called "Disease.” When the bio-magnetism is wholly exhausted it signifies "Death.”

We have already seen that the cells in the physical body are held together by the biomagnetism. When the bio-magnetism becomes weak, the cells cannot be held together properly. This is experienced as fatigue. We are unable to even stand up and we feel like lying down. If this bio-magnetism becomes weaker and weaker, at some point, the cells can no longer be held together at all. Therefore, they disintegrate and death is the result.

Now we have understood the value of bio-magnetism. Needless to say, if the biomagnetism has to be increased or  intensified, the number or the quantity of the life-force particles has to be increased. What is it that retains these life-force particles in the body?

It is the sexual vital fluid. The sexual vital fluid is like a battery for the life-force. The quantity and quality of the sexual vital fluid, is the measure of the strength and character of the life-force and bio-magnetism. 

With age the production of sexual vital fluid progressively diminishes and correspondingly the quantum of life-force and the intensity of bio-magnetism are reduced. Eventually the polarity between the cells is weakened causing the loss of integrity of the whole structure. This is the aging process.

Aging signifies reduction of the stock of life-force due to the lessening of secretion of the sexual vital fluid. After 40 years of age the surplus of the sexual vital fluid is reduced. With few exceptions, after 80 years of age there is almost no excess production of the sexual vital fluid but only just enough to maintain the body. So, the life force is being daily thrown away from the body. The sexual vital fluid, is slowly reduced in quantity as we age, Gradually all the nerves and muscles become loose due to the pull of gravity and old age comes into being. As the stock of the life-force is reduced, the intensity of the bio-magnetism in the body is correspondingly -weakened. Therefore, by the exhaustion of the life-force and bio-magnetism, the body-function gradually slows down and finally ceases with Death as the eventual result of old age.

The world of fictions sends the legal us (received by the physical us as “presentments”; summons, bill, complaint, tax assessment, etc.) What they want us to do is to PAY Attention. Our attention is our life-force energy being consumed. The public side, being fictional, must take your life-force in order to be perceived as real and powerful. 

In actuality there is no physical universe or physical you as such; both are made of waves and energy-particles. It is only through the wave field your consciousness that can experience physicality impinging via the bio-magnetic  conversion of life-force energy.

We have now explored the Bio-Spiritual Being that is inherently sovereign. You are spirit, mind, body, life-force, magnetism, and consciousness all rolled into one. You should be able to see that in the suchness of creation as it IS, you are free, sovereign, self determining, and self governing.

Since all humans and animals are equally subject to the laws of nature, if one human wants the life-force of, governance over, power over, another human without personal physical confrontation, then the wanna-be governor will need to create some fiction to get you to comply and submit. Enter the legal-fiction.

When the government identifies you on a passport, drivers license, or birth certificate, they use your name in written all-capital letters, which is a legal fiction, just like a corporation or the government itself.

"A legal fiction is an assumption that something that is (or may be) false or nonexistent is true or real. Legal fictions are assumed or invented to help do justice." ~ - From Oran '5 Dictionary of the Law, published by the West Group 1999

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law 1996 states in part:

"legal fiction: something assumed in law to be fact irrespective of the truth or accuracy of that assumption. —Fields V. Fairbanks North Star Borough, 818 P.2d 658(1991)."

According to the above definitions, who you are as a legal fiction operationally replaces who you are as a bio-spiritual being in relation to others, all based on assumption. The legal “you” is assumed to be the real “you.” This is a critical understanding, this is the assumption/presumption that must be broken, since it is where sovereign alignment of bodies is disturbed. Your power, authority, and sovereignty are by presumption shifted from the bio-spiritual you to the legal fiction that re-presents you in law. You are not presumed in law to be the authority, sovereign creditor, or  owner of the legal you. The legal fiction “you” is presumed to be a co-trustee and a co-beneficiary of the cestui que trust.

The cestui que trust is a “public charitable (collective) trust,” or “PCT,” that is constructive and not express. “Constructive” means that the trust is constructed (created, manufactured, concocted) by “operation of law,” i.e., out of nothing, as just another of an uncountable number of legal fictions of which the entire system consists, by the whim and fiat of those who own the particular law forum in which the trust is formed and domiciled. In the case of the United States, this jurisdiction is the private, commercial, international, military jurisdiction of the original incorporation of US Inc. in 1871, within the 14th Amendment and emergency war powers implemented at the advent of the civil war that suspended law and terminated thereafter operation of the “de jure” government under the original charter, the 1787 Constitution.

A “citizen of the United States” was created by/within the 14th Amendment as a corporate, civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee of the PCT. The 14th Amendment upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4 of the Amendment, stating that the “debt shall not be questioned.” That is part of the terms and conditions of your co-trustee position. If you question the debt you are in violation of your own contractual obligations. Endeavoring to find fault with the system or any of those operating on its behalf is considered as arguing against yourself, which every judge immediately dismisses as self-evident error, if not insanity. No wonder judges are so fond of ordering psychiatric evaluations for those who appear in court these days.

It is presumed that everyone who states that he is a “citizen of the United States (Inc.),” or acts as if he were, has knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily contracted into the private, military, international, commercial admiralty/equity law forum of the 14th Amendment PCT, surrendered all rights, and agreed to be bound by the alleged resulting contract. One is now “on the ship,” where the captain’s word is law and trying to protect your rights, find the system in error, or walk off the job is walking off the plank.

In the PCT, every citizen of the United States acts in a dual capacity: as co-trustee and co-beneficiary. This means that as a “citizen” you have on the one hand (as co-trustee) obligations and duties, such as the requirement to comply with all the system’s codes, rules, regulations, laws, statutes, and public policy, and on the other hand (wearing the hat of co-beneficiary) you can receive benefits, such as welfare other rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul token benefits such as “retirement benefits,” “unemployment insurance,” and other trinkets doled out in exchange for having, like Esau, sold your birthright for a bowl of porridge. There is no grantor or trustor (although there is a creator) to a PCT because it is an implied trust, i.e. constructed, and not formed by express, written, bilateral  contract.

Once you are in the PCT, you can contract into Social Security, which is a reversionary, revocable trust in the New  Deal, a socialist/communist scheme in which all participants are “tort feasors” who secure, by membership, benefits to which they are not entitled by having been extracted at legal gunpoint from other people. Accepting SS (or any other government) benefits is accepting stolen goods, providing the system with an excuse to consider you “guilty until proven innocent.”

Therefore, in any court case, the action is being brought by the allegedly offended beneficiary, the Plaintiff, as (implied) co-beneficiary of the PCT, against Defendant, the (implied) co-trustee. This is why the “law” and “facts” are all completely irrelevant. If you go into court trying to argue either, you must necessarily lose since the only issue is whether your strawman faithfully performed its duty as trustee of the trust, such as to obey the statutes, pay the taxes, or whatever else is required in accordance with the ocean of by-laws of US Inc. If you raise objections of “law” or “facts,” you not only traverse and dishonor (by arguing), and therefore automatically lose, but you give  witness/testimony against yourself that you are a bad (delinquent) trustee trying to escape your duties as a co-trustee of the PCT. You are thereby presumed guilty. Your fatal error is not first and foremost that you argued,  denied, rebutted, traversed, dishonored, and tried to avoid your contractual and fiduciary obligations (of a contract you ratified countless times by accepting innumerable government “benefits,” such as Social Security, obtaining a driver license, getting a passport, etc., etc., etc.) as co-trustee, but that you failed to rebut the presumption that you are the co-trustee, i.e., the same as the Defendant/strawman/citizen. This is why there is only one issue and all the rest is so much irrelevant froth. The issue is whether or not you rebut the operational presumption. If you do not, nothing else matters; the presumption (where the power and teeth are) stands and you lose.

The creator of the fictional you as a co-trustee, co-beneficiary, citizen, of the UNITED STATES, claims authority over all the legal fictions it creates, including you. This is who you are legally, as far as the law is concerned. I.e., you are presumed to be a NAME devoid of consciousness, substance, inherent value, or access to sovereignty.

Herein lies the reason so many people feel as though they are living lives of quiet desperation. Who they are spiritually is out of alignment with who they are legally. Spiritually you are the sovereign, legally you are presumed to be the property of whatever government claims/registers the fictional re-presentation of you.

The legal re-presentation of you is what the law, governments, courts, corporations and banks recognize you as. They do so because they themselves are acting as fictional entitles, and as such can deal in law with other fictional entities only. In other words, to get to the physical you comprising life-force, mind, body and sprit, they have to go through the legal reflection of you since that is the only alleged portion of you that can be considered as fictional.

“When I see directly, that the colour seemeth to be in the object; so also sense telleth me, when I see by reflection, that colour is not in the object.” ~ The Elements of Law Natural and Politic by Thomas Hobbes 1640

cer-tif-i-cate, noun… 3) a document evidencing ownership or debt.-- Middle English certificat, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin ceruficatum. from Late Latin, neuter of certificatus, past participle of certificare, to certify.

Since the early 1960's, State governments—themselves specially created, juristic, corporate persons signified by all caps—have issued birth certificates to "persons" with legal fiction all-caps names.

This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but rather the birth of the juristic, all-caps name. The birth certificate is the government’s self-created document of title for its new “property,” i.e. the deed to the juristic-name artificial person whose all-caps name “mirrors” your true name. What they do is legal, not lawful. “Legal” means “fictions/frauds.”

Here we need to stop and clearly comprehend the difference between what is legal and what is lawful.

Legal is not lawful:

Our Bio-Spiritual Self and all it’s parts are equally subject to natural laws, they exist within an operational dynamic of ISness, this is considered lawful since it requires no interpretation. Even in the legal realm, which is a derivative of our Bio-Spiritual being, the controlling document called the organic Constitution references genuine law, that which is lawful. The present civil authorities and their courts use the word legal. There is a critical difference between the genuine law referenced in the organic Constitution and the legal interpretation of what is lawful that passes as law today. The following is quoted from “A Dictionary of Law” 1893:

Lawful. In accordance with the law of the land; according to the law; permitted, sanctioned, or justified by law. "Lawful" properly implies a thing conformable to or enjoined by law; "Legal,” a thing in the form or after the manner of law or binding by law. A writ or warrant issuing from any court, under color of law, is a "legal" process however defective. See legal.

Legal. Latin legalis. Pertaining to the understanding, the exposition, the administration, the science and the practice of law: as, the legal profession, legal advice; legal blanks, newspaper. Implied or imputed in law. "Legal" looks more to the letter [form/appearance], and "Lawful" to the spirit [substance/content], of the law. "Legal" is more appropriate for conformity to positive rules of law; "Lawful" for accord with ethical principle. "Legal" imports rather that the forms [appearances] of law are observed, that the proceeding is correct in method, that rules prescribed have been obeyed; "Lawful" that the right is actful in substance, that moral quality is secured. "Legal" is the antithesis of equitable, and the equivalent of constructive. 2 Abbott's Law Dic. 24.

Legal matters administrate, conform to, and follow rules. They are equitable in nature and are implied (presumed) rather than actual (express). A legal process can be defective in law. To be legal, a matter need not follow the law. Instead, it conforms to and follows the rules or forms of law. This may help you to understand why the Federal and State Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure are cited in every court petition so as to conform to legal requirements of the specific juristic persons named, e.g., “STATE OF GEORGIA” or the “U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” that rule the courts.

Lawful matters are ethically enjoined in the law of the land—the law of the people—the law of life—and are actual in nature, not implied. This is why whatever true law was upheld by the organic Constitution has no bearing or authority in the present day legal courts. It is impossible for anyone in “authority” today to access, or even take cognizance of, true law since “authority” shifted from genuine law as it IS, to “law of necessity,” 12 USC 95. (How, where and when this authority shift took place will be examined below.)

From the above, it would appear that the meaning of the word “legal” is “color of law,” a term which Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, defines as: Color of law. The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with  authority of state, is action taken under “color of law.” Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, page 241.

The result of all this is that legalism has usurped and engulfed the law, that which is law has been replaced with that which is legal/fictional. It is to these rules, codes, and socalled laws that your legal body is subject. Your legal body is  not sovereign and can never be sovereign, it is a fiction. The good news is that the real you is not a fiction and therefore you have the capacity to do something about the situation.


By definition it should be apparent that the Spiritual You, Mental You, and Physical You are all inherently sovereign by your very nature. Who and what you are in reality is sovereign and always will be. The legal YOU however is not sovereign. It is through this fictional legal body that the fictional government is able to usurp your natural rights. They do it in a form that is legal since you default on your rights by not expressing them, thereby allowing for the presumption to exist that you agree to their definition and treatment of who you are.

By becoming the owner mentally of who you are, you can align all the bodies. If you mentally believe that you contracted for and are subject to all the rules, codes, and laws offered by a fiction (such as government) then by the law of wave-field interactions you do make yourself subject to these rules. It's all a matter of perception, first your own perception and then those of the people who would govern you.

To truly have peace, security, and sovereignty, all the four bodies must be aligned with, cognisant of, and acting from the knowledge of who they are naturally, understanding what they are not legally.

Now that you should know that you are truly sovereign in nature, although not in the eyes of some legal fictions, who do you believe yourself to be ?.
