Karma Yoga, A Holistic Unity

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A basic, understandable explanation of life, and the universe as explained by a true realized Siddah Yogi. From the viewpoint of Karma Yoga, this explains how you can make your life, and the lives of others, as beneficial as possible. The author is my Swamiji, Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi


"Karma" means action of man with will. Action includes three different functions of man viz, deed, speech and thought. "Yoga " means a system of life best suited for man with harmonious communion with Nature. All action is the movement of the physical body with mental effort to achieve something or some kind of enjoyment or engaging oneself in some enjoyment. Man is a combination of four phenomena: Body, Mind, Life-force (soul and Bio-magnetism). The life-force is basically a minute energyparticle with speedy, self-rotative, whirling motion. The continuous whirling motion of the particles of the lifeforce radiates a spreading wave. The sum total of such waves intensified sufficiently in the body is biomagnetism. Mind is the peripheral functioning state of Consciousness which is naturally seated in the life-force particles. Consciousness extends its activities by the bio-magnetic field within and out of the body. Let us understand the great potential and results and chain results of an action of man, within and without.

The physical body is a structure of a systematic arrangement of cells with polarity. In order to maintain this polarity for the survival of man and for all functions of body and mind, bio-magnetism is provided to an adequate extent. The life-force and the bio-magnetic field of man are of gaseous nature and linked with the universal field. The action of man first affects the magnetic wave-field of his body and then by its spreading nature affects the Universal field. There are very many secrets in Nature. Among them a very important one is the magnetic wave principle which covers all functions of the Universe, encompassing many other mysteries of Nature. By the five functions of a wave (i.e.) Clash, Reflection, Refraction, Penetration, and Interaction five results are produced. These are Pressure, Sound, Light, Smell and Taste.

These five results in turn produce millions and millions of chain-results in the Universe. Clashes of waves generated by and affecting the physical and mental functions cause imprints in the cells of the body, the life-force and in the energy -particles of the Universe. These imprints become a record for a long period of time. This imprinting will evoke the same thought or urge of action in others by the flow and inter- connection of the magnetic wave. So whatever an action may be, it affects all the parts of the body, life-force, mind, the persons around and the Universal field. In any action, the motive, efficiency, Place, time and object of contact are all involved. Accordingly the result will be pain or pleasure to self and others, at present or in future, to the body or mind.

A Karma Yogi does every action with full understanding and awareness of the above-described facts of Nature, with an awareness of maintaining harmony in all angles and all relations of life. So, one movement of the body or one thought in the mind could be such as to be an asset for man and mankind for a long period of time, Therefore one's actions should be disciplined and one's thoughts should be streamlined so that they may produce only good results such as pleasure, harmony, satisfaction, health and peace for oneself and for others at present and for the future.

Sound health and peaceful mind are a must for man to enjoy the material world and develop the Consciousness to its perfection. In order to achieve this purpose of birth one has to maintain harmony between body and life-force, life-force and mind, between individuals and society and between Nature and Will. Practicing appropriate exercises of body and mind and a virtuous way of living to maintain the harmonies described above constitute Yoga. Thus Karma Yoga is a system of life utilizing the full potential of the body and mind with understanding and awareness for a happy, prosperous and peaceful life.

Goal Is Self - Realization

Except in the primordial State, Consciousness which is the character of the Universal Being, is functioning in fraction. In man, in the beginning stage of life, this fractional Consciousness is conditioned with all the sensual experience of pain and pleasure. But it has the potential to develop to perfection so as to reach the Totality. The purpose of the birth of man is to develop his Consciousness to its own super-state and to identify Self with the, Universal Being. Man has three impurities within him. They are Ego, Imprints of sins and Illusion (Anava, Kanma and Maya respectively, in Sanskrit). During the development of his Consciousness, he has to simultaneously dissipate these three impurities. Through Realization of Self by inner travel, a psychic practice, he can get rid of Ego by absorbing Self into the Supreme Being. By a virtuous way of life and imprinting only good deeds he can get rid of the imprints of sins. When Ego and sins are erased, wisdom will automatically shine forth and Illusion. (Maya) is cleared. Karma Yoga is an appropriate method of life which will cleanse one of the impurities and enable him to reach the goal of Self Realization.

Every man is to live with body, materials and society. Karma Yoga helps him in three ways: (1) To better enjoy all sensual pleasures and derive full satisfaction; (2) In becoming capable of helping others to enjoy material and spiritual life; and (3) By postponing death and withstand ageing until he reaches the goal of life or the time he wishes to die. Karma Yoga is a complete system to fulfill all the needs of man and mankind. Karma Yoga guides a man with two valuable principles, Viz, duty consciousness and constant Awareness of the Cause-and-Effect system, which is otherwise called the Law of Nature. These principles penetrate and effectively cover all activities and all fields of life. The Chapters that follow will lead you to a clear understanding of how to implement these principles in daily life.


In the previous section it was explained that Karma Yoga stands on two important principles: One is duty consciousness, and that other is constant Awareness of the Law of Nature and its unfailing Cause -and-Effect system. Exposition of the full meaning of these principles in depth will be useful to follow Karma Yoga with a sincere and responsible yearning.

Everyone is born on the Earth only with the imprints of karma; no one brings any material wealth to the world when he comes. From the point" of birth up to the starting of the teens, that is 13 years, generally no one is able to earn anything for food, cloth, and other facilities and commodities of life, by his own labour. All material requirements are supplied and fulfilled only by the society. In this respect, parents or guardians also are part of the society. Millions of people spread throughout the whole world are involved in the production of the materials required for every man. The protection from all dangers of life is given by the society (which includes government and relations). Education is given by the government, which is the administrative arrangement of the society. For all these undocumented receipts everyone is indebted to the society, (i.e.) he has run up dues with the society. In the moral sense, everyone got all his requirements from the society as an undemandable loan. Should not this inevitable and unwritten loan be returned to the society by everyone by way of his/her service in the proper time, when one is ready physically and fit intellectually to clear the dues? The moral conscience to repay such a loan to the society by way of service is Duty Consciousness.

Everyone is engaged in some particular work. He is paid for it according to the social system. By this arrangement of Economics, people have generally come to think they are working for money. In reality there is a deeper meaning in the spiritual knowledge of duty consciousness. The simple fact is that everyone is already a debtor to the society and he repays his dues by way of his service. There should be no expectation of commercial gratuity for his work, as everyone is maintained by the society without prejudice, directly or otherwise, whether one is male or female, child or adult, invalid or healthy, criminal or guardian, king or beggar and working or not. The working person is maintained by means of the Wages paid to him. So a worker should not think he is working for money. In fact the wages for the work done by him is not a fair and just recompense for his service.

Service has no calculable Value, because it is a paying-back principle of the dues by the individual to the society. The payment of wages for a day's work is always estimated in all societies as exchangevalue for the commodities, facilities, and comforts required for one head of family and his immediate dependents for one day. The idea that one is rendering his services only for money, will result in disappointment, dissatisfaction, conflict and hurt. Do we not see that this sort of conditioning concept, "Work for money and money for work", generates all kinds of problems in the society?

The spiritual understanding is that the work is to repay the dues to the society, and it is the inalienable birthright of all people to be provided with food and other necessities. On the basis of this understanding, not doing work in proper age becomes a crime. By this crime, one gets punishment in two ways: his physical body will fall ill without proper movement by work; and be loses the right of indirect feeding by wages. Under the system of Karma Yoga, duty consciousness is spiritual enlightenment. Render your services in all possible and practicable ways in order to repay the dues to the society and to help others. The society is there to take care, of all your needs. I call upon the workers of the world: Do not bargain your services for a limited amount of money, for a mess of pottage. This slogan should be kept in constant memory by all Karma Yogis.

The common people cannot understand this principle of Karma Yoga until it is taught in the schools under the educational curriculum. Till then they have to make do with their present concepts. We the Karma Yogis are the seeds for sowing the reformation in life. So with kindness and love we have to accept others as they are and do our duties.

Communist Capitalists

With regard to work and wages, wealth and poverty, profit and loss, production and distribution, political power and individual security, we, the Karma Yogis should not enter into polemics or condition our minds with particular decisions, endorsing either Capitalism or Communism. In the real sense, everyone is a Capitalist and at the same time everyone is a Communist, when we understand the real nature of life. When one is born in the world, he does not bring anything; and when he leaves the world he is not taking away anything with him. On the way of life, even though one is a millionaire he cannot eat more than what can be absorbed by his digestive system. He cannot wear more clothes than the weight he can comfortably lift. He cannot use land more than the area he stands upon or stretches himself upon. In daytoday life everything comes to everyone only from the society. Everything made by anyone goes only to the society. When we understand this reality of life we all are evidently Communists. At the same time by retaining surplus commodities even after our daily consumption, and by preserving and saving them up for future use, we are Capitalists.

When we think of accumulation of wealth with one person, is it not a cold fact that he can exert no claim over it when he leaves the body? In the course of one moment it is going to pass into the hands of another person who is also a member of society. Had he only distributed the wealth in his lifetime in the manner of his choice he would have been blessed with a peaceful mind. Because he was accumulating wealth more and more and holding on to it until his death, he could not enjoy peace of mind. Throughout his living days his heart would have been under the burden of attachment of the wealth and he would have been suffering mentally. That is the natural punishment for his miserliness. According to the principle of Karma Yoga, man himself should become the property of the society voluntarily by understanding the nature of life. He should surrender his Consciousness to Nature because it has come from the Total Consciousness, and the benefits of his physical body to the society, because it has given birth to, raised, brought up to a certain status, and maintained the body. This realization of natural facts is the seed of peace, harmony and satisfaction in human life.

The prosperity of a society is known by the varieties of food, shelter, cloth, protection, educational facilities, technology and cultural values. The prosperity of a society, thus, is a pool of treasures gathered by the physical labour and intellectual services of millions of people in the society, through the Ages. Men may come and go but the prosperity continues to nurture the people of the present time and would also nurture thepeople who would be coming into the world in future. Children, the elderly, invalids and physically or mentally handicapped people cannot return the material values which they consume in the way of their needs. All others have to render their services to produce commodities, articles and facilities so as to maintain and add to the prosperity. Understanding this philosophy of life, its importance and practical implementation in action, is duty consciousness.

Man is a phenomenon of joint functions of body and spirit. . When life (spirit) is linked with the body, the Consciousness existing in the life extends its activities through the senses as mind. It is here that the feeling of pain and pleasure emerges. In order to balance the natural pains such as hunger, climatic fluctuations and the pressure of excretory forces of the body, a variety of materials and facilities are inevitable needs. In the production and exchange of materials, relatives and friends in the society have a necessary role. So everyone is naturally forced to deal with materials, properties and persons. Therefore to maintain one's own body, family members, relatives, society and the world of humanity comes under duty consciousness. Some may say that getting attachment with materials and men will generate problems and worries in one's life and these attachments will hinder spiritual development. It is true that when one is earning and enjoying the things with sensual attractions and intoxication with men and materials, it will result in never-ending problems in life. When these are done under duty consciousness and awareness of the Law of Nature, there will be no problem whatsoever.

Problems Will Abate

As to the manner in which one should avoid problems and miseries in earning and enjoying, I will give some examples which would also go to underline duty consciousness. Suppose you are an industrialist or businessman or a highly paid administrative officer, with income surplus to needs. In the enjoyment of life you should not go beyond the tolerable level of the senses or immunity level of the body. If you take care to maintain Limit and Method in enjoyments, there would be no attachment or sensual intoxication or ill effect. Furthermore you have to sit and decide the maximum wealth you need to have in stock for the purposes of doing the five kinds of duties (towards self, family, relations, society and the world). When you reach the maximum target in savings, you should draw a line. You would of course continue to work and earn, but all the surplus should be spent only for the benefit of others individually or through an organization or institution which is in the service of helping others. When you fix a limit and maintain it. with awareness, it develops your knowledge in the spiritual direction. When you miss this lesson of Limit and Method in action, you have to contend with problems in life. If surplus material wealth is allowed to stagnate with one person or family, it will only result in a variety of troubles to that family and to the society. After reaching a target of savings, if the surplus wealth is allowed to flow freely in the society, many needy people will obtain succour. When the mind is fixed in duty-consciousness, problems and miseries will abate and there would be peace and harmony in the society.

Separating oneself from the relationship with men and materials is not possible or practicable. Discarding materials and men in life, dedicating one's whole time in the search of spiritual knowledge and putting the burden of one's material requirements on the shoulders of others is only escapism. The spirit is within the body and the Consciousness is within the spirit. Where else are you going to search for it? Karma Yoga does not allow this false notion of searching outside. It shows the sure way of spiritual enlightenment.

Duty consciousness will keep the mind and body engaged always in creative life. It keeps balance between body and mind. Physical strength, intellectual development, working skills, environmental opportunities, these alone are real wealth with everyone. With the available wealth one can maintain himself and help others also. A feeling of self-contentment, richness and surplus in material prosperity and enjoying satisfaction and happiness by helping others will always be maintained. Duty consciousness will produce equilibrium of mind which in turn will result in spiritual development day by day.

Survival of man is supported by two sources: One is the providence of Nature and the other is the help of the society. We must be grateful to Nature and respect its unfailing Cause-and-Effect system. This is indirectly worship of the Almighty. There can be no limit to our duty to the society. Parents are the immediate representatives of the society for each and everyone of us. Everyone has to remember the hardship and responsibilities of parents in giving birth to, raising through childhood, educating, protecting, and making one to stand on his feet with a certain status before the society; all these they have done with divine love and sacrifice. We have to do what all we can in the matter of services required for their maintenance and happiness. If opportunity is available to serve one's parents, that should be taken as a great boon conferred by Nature.

Thus according to the responsibilities taken by the members of the society towards us, we have to decide the respective importance in our services. Maintaining one's own body and mind is the first duty. The next duty is to the family; third in importance come the relatives. The fourth stage of duty is to the society, including the government, and the fifth is the whole of humanity. While doing our duty at one point, that should not be at the cost of any of the other four. With such an equilibrium and total perspective vision we have to focus our importance in our service. " Duty" is the word derived from the root "due." If able persons carry out their duties with clear understanding of life's principles, all people will get their proper share in enjoying their birthrights and freedom of life and noone would have to supplicate, beg or fight for his birthrights and freedom of life. If everyone does his duties, automatically the birthrights and freedom of life will be assured to all.

These are the first phases of duty consciousness. The second phase of it is the awareness of Law of Nature in doing any type of service.

Natural Rhythm

In the Universe from the smallest energy-particle up to all its largest associated stages such as the greatest of suns, everything is working with a natural rhythm. This rhythm comprises three principles, Pattern, Precision and Regularity. Pattern stands for structural existence. Precision is the character (spiritual aspect) of the object or being, developed from the beginning of the Universe up to the present in the process of evolution, carrying over as it does all the imprints (experience) as blueprints in the free particles within the physical structure. Regularity stands for the concept of time, which is the continuity of a particular existence. In Nature according to the change of Volume, Force, Time and Distance of any mass, appropriately the Pattern, Precision, and Regularity undergo changes. Eventually Pressure, Sound, Light, Smell and Taste are radiated or absorbed and multifarious chainresults are produced. So long as man understands the natural rhythm in everything and respects, cooperates with and enjoys life within the parameters of Limit and Method, he enjoys a pleasant and creative life, maintaining the relationship between his body, soul and mind. If he disturbs the natural rhythm unnecessarily or violently, the reaction of natural forces will result in miseries and pains to him.

We have to follow one formula in respecting the Law of Nature. Every action, I whether deed, word or thought, will produce an appropriate result, according to the motive, efficiency, time, place and object of contact. That result may be pain or pleasure or peace or ecstasy. The degree of this result will be according to the character of the action. This is the unfailing Law of Nature.

No one can afford to deny, neglect or forget it, The questions one should put to oneself before embarking on any action are: "What is it that I want? What is the purpose of this proposed action of mine? Is it only for survival and sustenance or is it for enjoyment of happiness and development of the Consciousness?" After this introspection, when we come to assess by previous experiences, or by others' advice, or by our own intellectual clarity that our action will result in pain to self or others, at present or in future, to the body or mind, we would refrain from that action, or so modify that action as not to result in pain. If we follow the guiding rule of Limit and Method with Awareness, that is the process of moderation. Respecting the Law of Nature and following the principle of Limit and Method and thus avoid pains and miseries is Wisdom. Wisdom is broadminded knowledge with a total perspective vision linking the past experiences, present circumstances and future results, and also linking the Law of Nature and the sentimental feelings of the people constituting the society, In its spiritual depth, wisdom comprises two kinds of esoteric knowledge (i.e.) Pansophism and Paripsychism. Knowing the oneness in the physical form of the Universe in Pansophism. The doctrine that everything in the Universe has Consciousness to the required degree and dimension is Panpsychism.

Regarding Religion

In all religions of the world there are two main and important, principles: One is worship of the Almighty, the Universal Being and the other is the maintenance of harmony and friendship with the people of the society by following the three principles of Morality, Duty and Charity. The worship of the Almighty develops the Consciousness stage by stage and ultimately leads to the realization of Self (Consciousness) and the realization of the Truth that the Consciousness itself is the Almighty, the Universal Being. The second principle ensures peace and happiness in the life of one and all.

By Karma Yoga one can see the Almighty physically and maintain peace and harmony in the society. In everything as described above the Consciousness is functioning as natural rhythm. When man does some action with his will, the Consciousness, the Almighty, bestows appropriate results. If the result is pleasure or peace, take it as a reward, boon for the good done by you. If on the other hand, the result is pain, then take it as a punishment, as a teaching of the natural Law, Thus from one's own actions, one can see the Universal Being coming to the physical existence as results or effects. Respecting the Law of Nature and its precise rhythm, being correct in deeds and getting the proper results brings man close to Nature and one with the Almighty.

Awareness in maintaining action with duty consciousness will make every member of the society your friend. This will ensure the maintenance of peace and harmony in the society. In course of time this will penetrate into and complete the process of all the religions, filling in all the gaps. Ultimately by understanding, accepting and following Karma Yoga in life, all who are now members of various religions will reach the goal of Universal Brotherhood. At that time Karma Yoga will blossom into World Religion, embracing all the extant religions of the world. In the present society of scientific knowledge one Religion for the entire world with a practical process and without any fictitious notions is imperative.


The ultimate goal of the Karma Yogi is to realize Self (Consciousness); and in its depth, to realize that Consciousness itself is the Truth. The Truth is the Almighty, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Universal Being, Plenum. As the Truth is the source and origin of the Universe and its character is Consciousness, a spiritually progressing man should know this mysterious but simple phenomenon. The knowledge of man will get full perfection only when he knows the Truth. As a result of knowing the Truth one can know everything in the Universe, because everything is in it, everything has come from it, everything is moved by it. That is why it has been said: " What is that, knowing which everything becomes known? It is the Truth." Such a great and divine phenomenon should be understood by a person of thinking ability. So far, the Almighty or the Truth has been explained in several ways and by several examples but still it is mysterious, incomprehensible, incredible and puzzling to the world of search and research. The real revelationists by their own practical knowledge revealed the Truth. The same has been explained more elaborately by the intellectuals, by eloquent speeches and vivid writing. In those days there was a communication gap between the realized persons and the unrealized, the reason being lack of education.

The gap was widened by the misrepresentations of language interpretations. Now in this modern Age several sciences have been developed and the knowledge of the common folk has been raised almost up to the level of the revelationists. As my Consciousness stands in a clear revelation that I am the Consciousness and that it is the Truth, I am gladly conveying the same Truth for realization of everyone who wishes for or seeks for it.

I am explaining the naked Truth in simple language, so as to directly and practically be absorbed into it; and the Truth seekers of this Age will get full benefit and satisfaction in their efforts and approach. The religions and religious leaders will accept my revelation as that alone has been their goal. The sciences and scientists will also accept it, as it is the Unified Theory covering the whole domain of their field, filling all the gaps therein to corelate with all other fields of Science. My findings. would meet the demands of the rationalists too and they will hereby get full satisfaction in their notions and can courageously come forward to explain the Truth in a simple way to others. The atheists will get a transcendental state of Consciousness to feel an ecstasy in their minds because they come to know the Truth to their specific satisfaction, without any fictitious examples and without any ritualistic worship. After knowing the Truth, the readers of Vedic and Vedantic scriptures will feel as if they have heard the texts in their own languages. The reason for all these is that the Truth is for all and all are for the Truth.

Friends! Truth seeking sisters and brothers! We all have the same potentials and the guidance of Providence by birth. All of us are aiming towards one and the same goal. The goal is realization of Consciousness, the Truth. Knowingly or unknowingly, everyone, even though struggling in life for various reasons, is progressing in their journey to reach the goal. To make such a spiritual journey easy and comfortable we must help one another by exchanging our experiences. With overflowing love, I am ready to impart my experience in the realization of the Truth. In this experience of Universal love and brotherhood no concept of master of disciple, learned or illiterate, would be valid. Forget all your preconceptions woven by various informations that you have gathered from books. As one not knowing anything, do accompany me with a clean and pure mind. Embark on a divine journey. On the way we have to cross a few stages and then the goal would be in glorious sight.

Shall we begin? Now, visualise the Universe in entirety, divided into five stages:

(1) Physical form;

(2) Spirit (energy particles);

(3) Wave (spreading wave radiated by the energy particles);

(4) Truth (Absolute Space, Total Consciousness; and

(5) Mind (Feeling phenomenon, the peripheral state of Consciousness).

All these five stages are totally called Nature. The word 'Nature' is packed with meaning comprising all things, actions and results. Nothing can be pointed out as beyond or apart from Nature.


(1) Physical Form: Whatever we can perceive by touch and sight is form or mass.

(2) Spirit is the fundamental energy particle. When we disintegrate any mass, finally we come to the finest and tiniest stage that cannot be further disintegrated. Such a basic, fundamental stage is the energy particle. The energy particle is actually a whirling wave with speedy self-rotative force. It is a fragment, a broken piece of the static State, the Almighty, Plenum. The static State can be envisaged as the ocean and the energy particles as its waves; it is the energy particle that is called the "Spirit. " In between the perceivable Universe and the Infinite State are the energy particles.

Prior to the emergence of the particles and within the particle the Supreme Universal Being, the Total Consciousness exists as latent. In the projection of the particle the Universe exists as patent.

(3) Wave: Every Energy particle is a whirling wave. Because of its speedy whirling motion, it radiates a constant spreading wave all around. The whole Universe is fully packed with energy particles. The waves radiated by these basic particles are intensified and amalgamated all over the Universal field wave. It has no frequency or wave-length because it is not travelling. All other waves which are radiated by the association of particles, such as atom, molecules and masses are travelling on this basic wave with their appropriate frequencies and lengths.

(4) Truth: (Absolute Space, Total Consciousness): The native state of the energy particle is the Absolute Space. This is the primordial State of the Universe; it is the Infinite State, vacuum, the Almighty, the Universal Being, Brahman, Sivarn, Poornam, the Truth, Total Consciousness and Omniscient, Omnipresent God.

What would happen if a wave were to stop in the ocean? Would not the wave simply become one with the Ocean? Similarly visualize stopping of the whirling motion of an energy particle. It would undoubtedly become one with the Space. We can visualize the energy particle as a fractional moving unit of the space. Ultimately all masses and everything of the Universe are only the Space, the Universal Being. The several changes of its state are identified by different names, such' as particle, atom, molecule, mass, living being etc.

(5) Mind: Feeling phenomenon, the peripheral state of Consciousness: The primordial State of the Universe is the Absolute Space, the Universal Being. The inherent character of the Universal Being is Consciousness. For a clear understanding we can visualize the inherent force in the Absolute Space as Consciousness. irk that state we cannot separate the Universal Being from Consciousness. The phenomenon, (Universal Being) and its character (Consciousness) are one and inseparable. When the Consciousness emerged as a fractional unit that became the energy particle. Of course, it is Space, but its force (Consciousness) in its functional state of energy particle is characterized with three inseparable qualities; Pattern, Precision and Regularity. Here Pattern means structural value (Volume); Precision means the character, the specific quality of the particle, starting from the natural quality at the time of its evolution and including all the additional qualities developed by its own actions and by its clashes with other phenomena all around it. In other words, the specific power of any one entity or phenomenon to resist and react with any other thing is the Precision. Regularity means the timing in the functional order of existence, movement and changes in a particle.

In the Universal evolutionary project, Consciousness is functioning in three main stages:

(1) From the energy particle up to all its associated states, such as suns and stars and all celestial bodies of inanimate nature, Consciousness functions as order of function with three principles, Pattern, Precision and Regularity.

(2) In all organisms from one sense to five sense living beings, Consciousness functions further as the perceptional faculty with three principles; Cognition, Experience and Discrimination.

(3) In man, the very same Consciousness opens its full potential to accomplish its ultimate goal of Self Realization in three transcendental states in three levels viz, realization of the peripheral state  Mind; its inner part, Soul; and its infinite State, Total Consciousness , the Universal Being.

To realize the Truth and its inseparable quality, Consciousness, the above described five aspects of Nature should be understood as a practical visualization in the light of insight.

Only by the eternal pressure of the Universal Being each particle is rotating and all its associations are also moved. Around the whole Universe the very same Truth which is the static Force, is pressing and the whole Universe is rotating. The same eternal static Force by its all around pressure is guiding, regulating, and maintaining everything in the Universe with its Consciousness, in an appropriate 'and specific pattern, precision and regularity. On the intensified field of basic magnetism, all the waves radiated by atoms, molecules and masses are traveling with relative frequencies and lengths.

Clash, reflection, refraction, penetration and interaction are the natural characteristics of any wave. By these functions, according to the intensity and forcing strength of the waves five very important results occur. They are:

(1) Pressure which is magnetism transformed into pulling and pushing force;

(2) Sound;

(3) Light ;

(4) Taste; and

(5) Smell.

These five results are nothing but transformed states of waves. They have no permanence; they are the significant presence of the pressure of waves. They appear and disappear. The degree of all the above five results, from pressure to smell, depends upon the strength of the pressure form of the interacting waves. The wave itself is magnetism.

The Universal Being is the eternal static Force, In relation to the spreading wave of the particle, the static Force stands as an obstruction. By the clash of two different forces, static and dynamic, a new phenomenon, magnetism emerges. So magnetism is the combination of two forces, static and dynamic, pressing each other and penetrating into each other. This is Universal magnetism which fills the Universe, without any gap anywhere or in between energy particles. When the wave is converted into the first stage it becomes pressure. The second stage of conversion is sound. The third stage of conversion is light. The fourth stage of conversion is taste. And the fifth stage of conversion is smell.

In the pressure stage, it is magnetism. In the second and third stages (sound and light) it is electricity. In the fourth and fifth stages (taste and smell) it is chemical.

Consciousness In Everything

Now you can visualize all the evolutions as the functions of the fractional Consciousness seated in each energy particle. All the eventual chain results of the Consciousness are in the form of waves.

Now sit quietly and envision the entire Universe. Visualize the Almighty, energy particles, waves, masses and the physical transformation of the waves into pressure, sound, light, smell and taste. All these are happening only due to the pressure of the static State. Realize within yourself who you are and who is the Almighty and what is Consciousness. You can now comprehend the you are the Consciousness in its peripheral state flickering as mind within the physical body, Beyond that you are the Consciousness, the static Force of the Universal Being. You are a part of the Universal Being itself. Total Consciousness is your source and origin. Energy particles, the waves of whirling motion, were evolved as a part of fraction of the Total Consciousness, An associated stateof such energy particles is your physical body. Energy particles functioning within the physical body constitute " life " which becomes " soul " by imprinting all the experiences of life through millions of generations, of millions of species and millions of births of man.

The fraction of the Total Consciousness seated in the soulparticle is in the nature of a computer, printing and storing all the experiences as "Karma," The whole body is a fully computerized mechanism. The soul which built the body in the womb of the mother according to the blueprint it was carrying over from generation to generation, is wonderfully moving within the body and is linked with the Universal energy field. Consciousness in its feeling, knowing, experiencing, imprinting and reflecting process is mysteriously working from the soul up to the Universal and beyond to its primordial State. Now you know your greatness. You are microcosm, macrocosm and Brahman (Almighty). Expand yourself and visualize. All the evolutionary process from the static State up to the state of a man, is the leela (play) of Consciousness only, You know now that you are Consciousness and Consciousness is everything. Realization of Consciousness is realization of God, the Almighty, the static State, the primordial State of the Universe and the Truth.

By this experience of visualization from particle to Universe and beyond, your Consciousness has expanded to its fullness. Keep this wisdom as constant Awareness. The transcendental state of your Consciousness from the peripheral (mind) to the centre (soul) and from the soul to the Infinite origin will bestow you with an ability of expanding to the Universe and also shrinking to any point to focus your knowledge. You have to maintain this total perceptive state of your Consciousness by disciplining your daytoday activities in a virtuous way, comprising three divine principles: Morality, Duty and Charity. Otherwise the imprints of old karmas recorded in the cells or your physical body will blossom with their inherent force as urge for action and keep the benefit of your realization suspended. To maintain your peripheral state of Consciousness constantly linked with the Total Consciousness, meditate on your lifeforce and then practice to meditate merging yourself with the Supreme Being. This kind of meditation should be learnt and practiced only under the guidance of a Master well versed in the art of Yoga.

Realization of Truth is very simple. In a minute one who is intellectually agile can get it from one who is realized, theoretically. Theoretical knowledge about realization of Truth is, however, only like a blueprint for a building. Until you build the house according to the plan, you cannot get in practical terms comfortable living in the house. Knowing the theory or philosophy only is just like looking at the plan of a house. Unless Realization is implemented in action sincerely and with application, one will be back in square one. The theory will join the heap of illusory rubbish and contaminated concepts already gathered from books, with the fictions formed out of them!

If you really wish to liberate yourself from the strong chains of Ego, Imprints of sins and illusions (Anava, Kanma and Maya), seek a realized person and adopt him as your preceptor. If you are sure that you are intellectually equipped and can attain Realization by your own endeavour and practice meditation, simultaneously following the principles of life, you become practically and truly a realized soul.

The Chapters that follow will enlighten you to understand more secrets about the greatness of Consciousness and its mighty power in its order of working

from atoms to cosmos, using every particle as its physical hand, and using the Universal wave field as a penetrative conveyor-belt to connect all the things together for coordination. The Universal Being is functioning as Unified Force in the evolution and maintenance of the whole Universe.

This is the super-knowledge I have given to you with my full spiritual love, kindness and grace. This will make the light of your insight glow with full brightness. With this light you can know everything in the Universe. Be happy and contented. I am here to help you by clearing any doubts which may arise in your minds. I am your best friend. Be Blessed.


All experiences in life are enjoyed only by the mind. Mind is the peripheral stage of Consciousness. In the infinite State, the Consciousness itself is the Truth, the Universal Being. As a man is endowed with the sixth sense which inherits the purpose of the realization, of Self, in time he should realize the Self, which is Consciousness, the supreme Universal Being. Origin, evolution, existence, development and perfection of Consciousness are covered by five stages of the evolutionary process of the Universe (i.e.) static State, energy particles, waves, masses and living beings. By realizing Consciousness man can live with satisfaction, harmony and peace. Realizing the Truth only by theory will be just like looking at a plan for a building, without actually constructing it. The theory should be implemented, experienced and confirmed by practice of meditation on the life-force and following the path of virtue in life. Realization of Consciousness is the only one perfect and higher knowledge by which one can know everything in the Universe.

For this, the help and guidance of a reliable preceptor are absolutely essential.


Life is a mysterious phenomenon in the Universe. Life means action, energy or force. The conventional concept is that life is the unseen force functioning in all living beings. This is only partly true. The real meaning of "life" is still deeper. The basic and fundamental minute unit of force, action or energy is life. This is the energy particle. Its volume cannot be determined by mathematical calculations. We can simply say it is next only to the Infinite. Such a tiny particle is the fraction of the static State, Brahman, the Truth, the Universal Being. By the inherent force of the static State, the separation occurs. Due to the allaround existence of the static State, the eternal force, Pressure came into being. By such constant allround pressure of the static State, the fractional part, viz, particle is under compulsion to rotate; and thus it is in whirling motion. The speedy self-rotative force of the particle radiates a spreading wave, keeping all other particles at a certain distance. The counteraction of the static pressure of the Almighty and the pressure of the radiating wave emanating from the energy particles becomes Magnetism. Magnetism is actually a dual pressure comprising attraction and repulsion; and it fills the entire Universal field. The energy particles and the magnetic field surrounding them comprise the Universal field. Wherever the self-rotative speed of the energy particles is reduced, appropriately they come close and become associated into groups. According to the number of particles in a family group they are called by different names signifying the elements. Groups ofsuch atoms condition molecules and associations of the molecules are known as masses of all types.

According to the number of particles in the atom, the intensity of any mass is conditioned as air, gas, water or earth. Eventually the functions of the waves in the mass produce five results as mentioned in the previous Chapter. The waves of free energy particles clashing on the eternal static Power cause pressure which becomes Attraction and Repulsion. This is magnetism. The waves of the free particles interacting within air cause sound. The waves of the free particles interacting within gas cause heat and light. Sound, heat and light are electrical phenomena. The waves of the free particles interacting within water cause taste. The waves of the free particles interacting with solids cause smell. Taste and smell are chemical phenomena. These five main results produced within the masses of the Universe are classified as the Pancha Thanmatras.

(1) Magnetism (Pressure) is produced in the field of the energy particle.

(2) Sound is produced in Air.

(3) Heat is produced in Fire.

(4) Taste is produced in water.

(5) Smell is produced in earth, (solid).

Conversion of energy into sound and light is known as Electricity. Conversion of energy into taste and smell is known as Chemicals.

A great mystery of the Consciousness in the Universe is the recording, storing, reflecting and transmission of all actions and experiences, physical and metaphysical. Very many mysteries are still undiscovered and unrevealed by Science and the facts remain only with revelationists, The scientists are not in a position to refute nor are they able to accept the findings of the revelationists. Among these mysteries the recording and transmitting process, which conditions the quality and character of everything is the deepest secret.

Secret Of Revelations

Revelation is one of the psychic functions of Consciousness which is accessible to the human mind through its intrinsically sophisticated and mechanically advanced brain. Through practice of inner travel (meditation) if one brings the mind to a very subtle frequency beyond the Alpha wave and maintain Awareness, at the same time getting detached with the worldly things of sensual experiences, and surrendering himself to the Supreme State of Consciousness, the Infinite, all the secrets of the Universe will be revealed to him according to the need and time of the human society. A man of psychic culture who develops a state of mind to be of natural and divine justice beyond all kinds of prejudices, will easily and often get such revelations. In short, when a man surrenders his Ego and the conditionings derived there from to the Total Consciousness, the Supreme Being, the cosmic reveals the facts of Nature, which are mysteries and secrets only to the conventional human mind. Many such revelations are not susceptible of verification by scientific or mathematical calculations, but will always remain as an esoteric inner empiricism beyond all conventional Sciences.

As already explained by me, every energy particle is a whirling wave radiating a spreading wave all around: I have also explained the five functions of the wave: Clash, Reflection, Refraction, Penetration and Interaction. Whether as reflection from its own self-rotation or by clashes from other waves, the particle is affected. Every clash becomes a shock which is recorded in the particle. All such clashes condition the character of the particle in developing its potential and resistance against

the clashes. In this process an energy particle becomes the most sophisticated Universal computer of multiple complexity. Any wave starting from one particular mass will have all the qualities of the thing from which it is radiated and will induce the same quality to blossom from the thing on which it clashes. In the whole Universe from the basic particle to the mass and from the inanimate to the animate, all are getting changes in their characters and qualifying others by the five functions of waves. For instance take an apple. It has three physical dimensions of length, width and depth. Further, within it there is a certain quality, magnetic, electrical and chemical. That will only be revealed when it gets in contact with an appropriate thing. If you eat the apple you will have all the effects in your experience. All are the imprinted qualities in the energy particles which are internally working as the life-force of the apple. From the time of the evolution of the particle and all through the evolutionary stages of the millions of species it crossed from particle up to the state of apple, all the imprints of every clash remain in the energy particles of the apple. Similarly in everything.

Such mysterious and wonderfully working energy particles are packed fully in the Universal field. This is called Universal Life, The same energy particles working in all inanimate masses are designated Physical Life. The very same energy particles which are working in all organisms are called Sensing Life. The static Force is the Almighty; the dynamic Force is the energy particle, life. These two are to be understood as the core and goal of perfection of knowledge to the spiritual depth. Please read and reread, think and rethink what I have given out; then you will comprehend the real existence of life and its functioning order.

By the practice of inner travel, meditation, one can feel the life-force existing and functioning within the physical body. This kind of realization of the soul or life-force is called Atma Dharsan. The first transcendental state of Consciousness from material to spiritual is Atma Dharsan. With this knowledge established in you, you can further easily understand the mystic phenomenon, mind. I will explain it in simple language. Follow me, my dear spiritual friends.

Mind is the peripheral state of Consciousness. Its original state is the Infinite, Total Consciousness, the Almighty. Its second stage is the soul, life-force, which is imprinting, storing and reflecting all activities and experiences. The third stage is the mind, which, as I said is the peripheral state of Consciousness. I have already explained that Consciousness in all inanimate things, from the minutest particle to the greatest of suns, is working with three principles, Pattern, Precision and Regularity. In all living beings, from one sense to five senses, the Consciousness develops its activity further, in addition to the above three principles, as perceptional faculty. Here the function of the Consciousness is threefold, (i.e) Cognition, Experience, and Discrimination.

Cognition is to know the difference between two or more objects or experiences;

Experience is the feeling of pain and pleasure which is due to the conversion and consumption of biomagnetism, caused by the action of cognition.

Discrimination is finding the difference between two or more objects or experiences.

In man, who is naturally blessed by the evolutionary process with the sixth sense, Consciousness reaches its peak and realizes itself in its three stages of Mind, Soul and the Infinite.

The physical body of man is fully equipped with sophisticated and intricate mechanism to deal with every thing in the Universe, The physical body is a structure constituted of millions of cells with polarity, which is maintained by the bio-magnetism charged by the self rotative force of the lifeforce particles. The lifeforce in a physical body is contained by the sexual vital fluid, a thick fluid of high potential and a proportionate mixture of various chemicals to hold and protect the required quantity of life force particles.

The mind is the extended activity of Consciousness, using the bio magnetism as a traveling vehicle, and the senses as its instruments.

Bio-magnetism Consciousness

We generally divide all masses into two categories, inanimate and animate. The superficial concept of the majority of people is that inanimate things have no Consciousness and that only animate things have Consciousness. This stems from the false notion that only the sensing faculty denotes the existence of Consciousness. The inanimate things have the first stage of Consciousness = the three functioning principles of Pattern, Precision and Regularity.

For example, keep a piece of Copper Sulphate (CuSo4) on the table; it is inert and nothing will happen. Put it into your mouth and keep it there for or a few minutes, or swallow a few milligrams of the chemical and see what happens! Your mouth, stomach and blood will be affected by toxins. This particular reaction is inherent in the Copper Sulphate; it is the character of the chemical. Such character is Consciousness. You can see that everything in the Universe is functioning with this Consciousness without fail, without mistake and without bias. In animate life the second stage of Consciousness is further developed, in addition to the first stage explained above.

Let us consider how the second stage from the physical to the psychic realm emerges. In any mass, the atoms and molecules are systematically arranged in rows with polarity. Only in such arrangement would they attract one another resulting in that particular form being maintained. In organisms also the same arrangement of atoms and molecules and the same polarity exists.

In organisms a complete cycle of bio-magnetism in circuit form is evolved. This circulation is maintained by the sexual vital fluid, life-force and bio-magnetism and physical cells. The cells play an extremely important role in organic life. The physical body of a living being contains a great deal of fluid and is sufficiently intensified with its bio-magnetic wave. In any point or region of the body if the polarity of the cells or molecules is disturbed, the flow of bio-magnetism gets obstructed. Within a very short time the magnetism will then get stagnated. Normally in the course of its circulation in the body, the bio-magnetism is transformed into electricity and chemicals. If it gets stagnated in one point, the magnetism is converted into electricity to an abnormal degree. It therefore gets short circuited in the particular part and disturbs all the surrounding cells.

This disturbance is perceived as discomfort by the Consciousness, which has its seat in the life-force particles and extends its function through the magnetic wave and the senses, Here we should keep in mind one principle. If there is any pain in any area of the body, that is the significance of short circuit of one's own bio-magnetism, converted into electricity irregularly and abnormally. When the area of short circuit is small and the length of time is short, it is pain. When the short circuit spreads over a larger area in the body and stays for a longer time it is Disease. The evolutionary process developing from inanimate to animate is the biological realm. Consciousness in the inanimate with the first stage of functioning is now developed to the psychic stage with perceptionalability with the threefold faculty of Cognition, Experience and Discrimination.

If any pain is felt by a man he wants to get rid of it. To redress the pain something is needed. Some action, help, commodity, facility or change of environment is needed to obtain relief from any kind of pain. Feeling of pain is the first extension of Consciousness in its psychic function. In order to get rid of the pain, Consciousness extends to the second degree, that is Need. After need comes Effort. Action follows effort. Then the Result comes as pleasure, relief, satisfaction etc. The result is enjoyed and the Enjoyment gives Experience. Experience motivates Research leading to Realization. Finally in every such line of action a Conclusion is reached. Let me itemize the extension of the psychic stages, one after the other:

(1) Feeling of pain,

(2) Need,

(3) Effort or Zeal

(4) Action,

(5) Result,

(6) Enjoyment,

(7) Experience,

(8) Research,

(9) Realizati&
