How To Edit A Blog Post

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Instructions for editing, or deleting, a blog post you have already published.

If you have a published a blog, and need to edit it, here are the steps.

Fast version: Visit to find your blogs with the "Edit" button on each post available to you.  This is the only page you can find your blogs with the "Edit" option made available to you.


~ Visit the blogs page at: - here you will find not only your own blogs listed, but also those of the people you are following.  You can NOT edit from this page, you must go to the next step  and click on "My Articles". "My Articles" link is located in the top left, just under Most Recent Articles, and looks like this.


~ Find the blog post you want to edit, and click on "Edit".  You can now edit your blog.  You may also delete your blog if you so choose.

Happy blogging!
