A Life For Peace, Shri Vethathiri Maharishi

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Swamiji Vethathiri’s aim was to bring about World peace. He modernized the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga for the present day world, with the scientific technique of "Simplified Kundalini Yoga". His ardent desire to dedicate his life to the love and service of God and peo

Vethathiri Maharishi

Shri Vethathiri Maharishi was born in 1911 in the village of Guduvancheri, 30 km south of Chennai, India, into an indigent weavers family. From his youth he was driven by the desire for knowledge and in particular strove to find answers to three questions:

What is God? What is life? Why is poverty in the world?

The search to find these answers as well as totranscend poverty led him into various fields of endeavor, including becoming a qualified practitioner of two systems of Indian indigenous medicine, Ayurveda and Siddha, and certified practitioner Homeopathy as well.

One day when he was 10 years old, he was expecting his mother to call him to have his lunch.But it didnt happen. They were living in a hut which was partitioned by a wall of 4 feet. Behind the wall there was thekitchen from where he could hear the whisper of his parents. When he peeped in he could see his mother wipe hereyes with her sari. He could not tolerate it. Till then he had not seen his mother crying. He just entered in and asked hismother repeatedly as to why she was crying? His mother embraced him and said that, she hadreceived him as a gift after a longtime of penance but that today they were unable to feed him. After this incident he started asking his parents, why there wassuch a state of poverty, but they could not explain.


At the age of 12, Maharishi happened to meet his first Master, A.Balakrishnan aged 75 years. He initiated him in his
childhood towards devotion and pure monism. For Maharishi, the Universe was a classroom and he went about asking questions of the elite and common man alike, seekingto arrive at social and ethical truths. Maharishi always suggested accepting the truths after reasoning.

At the age of 14 he was hoping to find an illumined teacher to guide him in his Spiritual quest. Maharishi
started questioning all the rituals like why salt has not been added to the adai dosa. For which he got no satisfactory
answers.The second master whom Vethathiri could find was Vaidya bhoopathi S. Krishna Rao, who taught him Ayurveda andSiddha medicine. He initiated Vethathiri to meditate in between the eyebrows and also to enquire about the Ultimate truth.Within two years he trained him completely in medical systems which helped Vethathiri to pass of the Ayurvedacharyaexamination conducted by the government medical council.

The third master Vethathiri found was Paranjyothi Mahan. He was initiated for Kundalini Yoga, and the technique of
Shanthi Yoga was of much benefit. This helped Maharishi to analyze the philosophy and the meditation techniques that hehad already known.

After spending several years in various minor employments, while still practising Yoga and enquiring about the workings of the universe, he established a textile concern that grew to employ over 2000 workers on a profit sharing basis that would be thought of as progressive even today.

Although constantly busy with family and business matters, he always found time to pursue his deep desire to achieve self-realization and realization of Truth. Several years of intense meditation and introspection brought him full enlightenment at the age of thirty five.

Spiritual Leader

At the age of fifty he closed his commercial ventures and devoted himself solely to spiritual service so as to guide sincere spiritual aspirants by transmitting and sharing with them his experiences and revelations of Truth.

Even though his life has long been dedicated spiritual and social service he has remained a householder, i.e. he has not broken his family ties and taken vows of renunciation, but rather lived in the indigenous Siddha tradition, maintaining family ties and fulfilling his duties.

Model of the Universe

Shri Vethathiri Maharishi gives us a comprehensive and integrated revelation of the existence and functions of the One Reality; his exposition from the origin of the cosmos to the observed natural phenomena comprises the Vethathiriyan Model of the Universe.

With this comprehensive view, science and religion are reconciled and unified, to their mutual enhancement and completion. Bridging this gap is a necessary step towards peace, it can/should appease the illusionary differences between religions, science, and philosophy.

By integrating science and religion, global harmony and peacecan follow,with universal understanding of One Truth, and reverence and respect for all its manifestations, we should be able to share this world in peace with each other and all living beings.

Vethathiris science of living (Vethathiriyam)

Vethathiris lifetime works are called Vethathiriyam, which literally translates as a roadmap to the mountain of knowledge. He claimed that a deep understanding of nature is essential for living in harmony with the law of nature, while balancing material well-being with spiritual progress.

Vethathiri synthesized a complete science of living for the betterment of humanity through: Simplified Kundalini Yoga meditation, Physical Exercises, Kaya Kalpa Yoga and Introspections.

Author / Writter

From his enlightenment till his samadhi (death), Shri Vethathiri Maharishi has received knowledge of the origin and functions of the cosmos and all aspects of life, as Nature revealed through inner vision.

During these years he has spontaneously written over 2000 poems on philosophical subjects. He remained dedicated to serving his fellow beings by conveying his understanding of universe and the One Supreme Power through his speeches and writings.

  • He wrote about 80 books, many of which became academic textbooks.
  • In the Indian Philosophical tradition, his philosophy corresponds to pure advice.
  • Wrote over 2000 poems on philosophical subjects.
  • Authored about 80 books in Tamil and English

In the Indian Philosophical tradition, his philosophy corresponds to pure advaits; it may be called pantheistic monism. His language and attitudes are contemporary, non-sectarian and non-dogmatic.

Organizations and Death

In 1958 Shri Vethathiri Maharishi founded the World Community Service Centre (WCSC), a non-profit registered society with a view to work towards World Peace through individual peace.

As of today, more than 200 trusts and about 1000 meditation centers have been registered and affiliated to WCSC in India, and thousands of people have benefited physically, mentally, socially and spiritually from the teachings and practices.

Beloved Maharishitook his maha-samadhi (leaving the body consciously) at the age of 96 , on March 28, 2006.


The vision of Vethathiri is not complete without going through the dimensions of social and moral philosophy. The
philosophy laid down by him are not only applicable to a country but to the entire world- to be prosperous. This view ofhim can be found in the statement: The whole world is owned by everyone born on this earth. This is the Divine law andmoral justice which are in harmony with natural law.

Vethathiri had given importance to three facts in Social and Moral philosophy namely Utility, equality and chastity.When man realizes the greatness of his own self, he reaches the highest peak of humanity for respecting the needs andambitions of others with due regard. Such perfection only will secure and maintain peace within self, between individualsand between nations. There, all the problems of life of mankind will be solved. Therefore, all deserving men shouldrealize self in time. This is the absolute need for the world in these days of scientific advancement.

The question Who amI arising in once mind indicates that he deserves self realization. This can be attained only by proper guidance.The problems identified by Maharishi and the solutions suggested by him are as given below:

Problem 1: Ignorance of Nature; its invisible powers and order of function from infinitesimal energy particle upto the greatest masses.

Solution: Man has to know and respect the invisible powers of Nature, so that he will not wrongly deal with his fellow
beings and materials. Such realization is possible by two parallel methods: 1) Psychic practice to meditate on ones ownmental wave, which results in lowering of mental frequency to reach the pure, still state, and 2) Scientific education aboutthe Unified force and its evolutionary process from the infinitesimal energy particle up to the Human being.

Problem 2: Confusion about God, the Almighty, its existence and power

Solution: The tool for research and realization of Truth is the invisible principle, the mind. This can be learned only fromthose who have had previous experience. When realizing the existence of the Almighty, god, and universal evolution andfunctions one will clearly understand the three inclusive mystic principles: God, energy particle and magnetism. This isthe logical solution for the confusion about Almighty, God its existence and power.

Problem 3: Ignorance of Human Physical and psychic functions and values; Nature of pain and pleasure, theirtrue causes, Nature of the mind and its mystic as well as peripheral capabilities.

This problem can be easily solved if some of the medical scientist learn the working order of bio-magnetism in the livingbeing, particularly in the Human system. Bio magnetism is the divine energy which maintains the entire physical andmental system of every kind of organism. It is an automatically self charging power in ever living being, from the smallestvirus to human beings.

Problem 4: Lack of respect for others, due to ignorance of the nature and value of Human life

Philosophy of psychology, together with a practice of meditation to lower the frequency of mind should be made availableto all adults. Then only each person will sincerely begin to respect every person and living being, and will not harm buthelp in all possible ways as a sacred duty of life. This is the logical solution to remedy the present lack of respect forothers which is based on ignorance of the greatness and value of all life.

Problem 5: Use and desire for unnecessary articles, activities and rituals

A great amount of funds and energy are being wasted in various sports activities Religious festivals, cinema, use of alcohol, manufacture of intoxicating drugs, gambling, unnecessary rituals in marriage, lottery etc., In addition to such losses the same unnecessary activities are causing damage to health to health and disturb the harmony and friendship bydeveloping mental conflicts and health hazards. They generally drain the resources of the poor and middle class,encouraging unrealistic fantasies of easy profits. These should be banned in the interests of the people. Moralization ofDesires and reformation of existing rituals is the only solution for these.

Problem 6: Economic Disparities

Economics is the harmony and balance between the natural providence and feelings of man. It is an illusion that money isthe main or only factor of economics. Really, money is a token of labor. The economic problem does not lie with anymaterials or facilities or in the monetary system, but is due to holding illusionary and conditioned concepts, resulting inactions done habitually, without due regard and sincere concern for the eventual result.

Problem 7: Political Disturbances and corruption

It is not easy to change the political morality, the whole set up of the human society should be studied planned and changed. This project should begin from childrearing and extend through reform in the educational system. Each personshould grow up to be creative and dutiful to the society, with self confidence and courage. Let us begin a reformationproject as per the guidelines Stop, think, plan and proceed. It is the duty of humanitarian philosophers and Scientist toexplain the natural facts and guide the people showing a new and reformed way of life. Social change is imperative toensure the very existence of human life which is threatened by serious problems from several angles.

Problem 8: Religious intolerance due to lack of Realization of Truth

An international conclave of eminent religious leaders, common scientist and intellectuals can be formed to jointlyresearch into the essentials of religion and establish some common international precepts to eradicate the problem ofintolerance. In this way a great change can be accomplished When the joint council of such thinkers declares the truth of nature, The thinkers of all religions will desists from struggling with one another and One world religion may come into being. Unless and until the concept of the primordial almighty Supreme Being is clarified the Universe and its evolution through the energy particle and magnetism will remain hidden from all.

Problem 9: Fallacious beliefs about the Nature of the soul and its state before birth and after death.

By ignorance or neglect of the greatness of soul, which is his great potential, man is wasting all the prosperity and ecstasyof life, focusing his vast potential for knowledge only on petty things and emotional moods. Therefore, I emphasize thatknowledge about the soul should be made available to all people through the educational institutions.

Problem 10: Neglect of the greatness of womanhood

Every individual of mankind is of dual nature, a combined form of male and female. There is no appearance of malewithout female and no female without male. Each one is entwined with other as a natural order of providence. Byunderstanding this one may think that both the sexes are to be considered as equal. Of course, both are of same speciesaccording to evolution. However, the female is to be regarded with more respect for the reasons given below:

  1. Nature has brought everything in the universe directly by its own evolutionary process. But the noble job of producing
    the human beings is entrusted only with women. The womans physical body is designed accordingly to facilitate such
    on intricate job. In this process the womanhood is next to the divine principle, God.
  2. All people of the whole world are conceived and given birth only by women.
  3. The noblest qualities such as love, compassion and sacrifice of self for others are greater with women than men.

Problem 11: Proliferation of war materials and war.

Only by habit and ignorance this unnecessary and destructive activity continues in human society. The world is one and all are living on the same earth. The sea is one. The vapour from the sea forms clouds and pours onthe earth as rain. That is the water which serves the needs of all the people of the world. The air is one. We are all inhalingand exhaling the same air without discrimination. There is only one sun for the world. Let us remember the four importantprinciples. No one has contributed to produce any of these four. Everyone is born, lives and dies in time. Where is thereason for fighting with one another for any piece of land or a country? Who is the owner of which country? Fightingstarted in the primitive ages because the people were ignorant and illiterate. Only by habit the concepts and deedscontinue. These are to be reexamined and reformed in this age of enlightenment.

Towards this end we have to formulate a suitable method of education to develop natural love and compassion. Commonsecurity for the people of all nations, universal basic education, production facilities of required commodities and articlesand employment opportunity for all adults are essential in the human society to maintain peace.

Problem No: 12 Lack of Holistic Education to understand and maintain the greatness and progress of humanvalues.

The purpose of education is to impart an understanding and awareness of self and Nature. Nevertheless, even thatknowledge accumulated so far is enough for mankind to lead a satisfactory and peaceful life if it is implemented withsincerity and awareness. All such valuable knowledge and experiences are now scattered throughout the world, hence aninternational effort for universal social welfare is needed to seek out and gather all such values of life.

[1] Vethathiri maharishi, Yenadu Vazhkai Vilakam, Vethathiri publications, Third Edition- 1992
[2] Dr.Kasibhatta.Satyamurty, Philosophy of Vethathiri Maharishi, Published by Vedadri Brahmajnana Kendram, First
[3] Dr.Kasibhatta.Satyamurty, Simplified Kundalini Yoga, Published by Vedadri Brahmajnana Kendram, First edition-
[4] Vethathiri Maharishi, Anboli, August 1997, Lamp-29, W.P.Y.12, Flame-8
[5] Swami Omkaranandagiri, Vision of Vedadri, 2013
[6] Vethathiri Maharishi, Prosperity of India, Vethathiri publications, 1997
[7] Vethathiri maharishi, Logical Solutions for the problems of Humanity, Vethathiri publications, First edition-1998
