Drive Accuracy and Throughput Higher with Benchtop and Floor Centrifuges from Drawellanalytical

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Centrifugation is a powerful separation technique used across various industries like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and chemical processing. The quality and performance of centrifuges can have a major impact on downstream workflows and results. Two key metrics for evaluating centrifuges

Centrifugation is a powerful separation technique used across various industries like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and chemical processing. The quality and performance of centrifuges can have a major impact on downstream workflows and results. Two key metrics for evaluating centrifuges are drive accuracy and throughput. 


Drive accuracy refers to how precisely a centrifuge can control and monitor the rotational speed during a run. High levels of accuracy allow for reproducible and consistent separation outcomes. Throughput measures how many samples a centrifuge can process in a given period, affecting productivity. Companies like Drawellanalytical design benchtop and floor models aiming to maximize both metrics.


Drive Accuracy in Benchtop Centrifuges 


Many modern benchtop centrifuges feature digital drives that can regulate speed electronically via programs instead of manual dial adjustments. Digital controls enable high drive accuracy within 1% of the set value. Drawellanalytical models like the CL-E1, CM-E1, and CX-E1 employ microprocessor technology said to deliver accurate speed control from 100 to 25,000 rpm. 


Digital drives help ensure samples receive consistent centrifugal forces during runs of differing lengths or composition. Minimizing speed fluctuations is important for applications like protein purification that are sensitive to even small variances. Digital displays also facilitate monitoring and documenting runs more easily than analog scales. 


Reproducible results depend not just on a centrifuge's ability to reach the target speed but maintain it steadily throughout cycles that can extend an hour or longer. Drawellanalytical touts drive circuits in products like the CM-E1 capable of stabilizing speed automatically during runs. Users can feel assured samples will receive equal centrifugal treatment batch after batch.


Drive Accuracy in Floor Centrifuges


Larger floor centrifuges from Drawellanalytical like the Pro-C force a different design approach compared to compact benchtop models. Machines processing multiple samples simultaneously need extremely stable drives to uniformly separate all loads. 


Drawellanalytical floor centrifuges feature specially developed brushless AC servo motor systems. These motors provide smooth acceleration and braking with negligible speed variations under different loads. Digital controls govern motors with high-resolution impulses for reliable sub-RPS accuracy even at speeds over 20,000 rpm.


Onboard microprocessors constantly monitor motor function and calibrate performance to correct for any deviations. Users of floor models like the Drawellanalytical Pro-C4 report excellent run-to-run reproducibility due to the centrifuge's active compensation for external factors like ambient temperature changes. Precision remains high regardless of operating conditions.


Optimizing Centrifuge Throughput


While accuracy protects result quality, throughput impacts lab efficiency. Drawellanalytical centrifuges incorporate several throughput-boosting elements:


- Large bucket or rotor capacities - Models like the CF16NX with 16 place rotors can batch process much higher sample volumes. 


- short acceleration/ braking - Fast speeds minimize total run times, increasing throughput. 


- Continuous loading/unloading - Rotor designs like the CF16NX allow simultaneous access to multiple sealed buckets.


- Automatic operations - Features like pre-set programs and automated runs/stops reduce hands-on times.


Floor models offer especially high sample capacities. For example, the Pro-C4 can hold 4x 600ml bottles at once, expediting large production loads versus single-sample benchtop models. Automated functions further maximize its throughput for applications such as monoclonal antibody purification.



Drive accuracy and throughput represent critical performance aspects for centrifuges. Companies like Drawellanalytical engineer their benchtop and floor systems with technologies like digital drives and advanced motors to optimize both metrics. Users benefit from highly reproducible separations and efficient sample processing supporting numerous industries. Centrifuges balancing precision and productivity help labs streamline workflows and produce consistent high-quality results.
