Today the World Institute of Peace took her advocacy of people to St. Joseph's College, Agege Lagos for their Catch Them Young/Teach them Peace programme.

This programme facilitated by Mr Lamina alongside the guest speaker, Ambassador Pradkep and Chikamma, inculcating and imbibing in the students the indispensable culture of peace
The Chairman World Institute of Peace taught the youngsters on the basic nuggets of Peace Building and the need to maintain a peaceful society. He emphasized that students should work for peace.
Next, the stage was set for Ambassador Pradkep. He started his message with "Namaste" greetings. He encouraged the students that peace is an international standard that must be upheld.
The World Institute of Peace group were well received by the principal and students.
From the beautiful smiles on faces of students, you could tell that their day was made.
"All is well that ends well- Shakespeare. The outreach was successful and more Peace ambassadors were raised.
Thank you
