Gospel reflection on Luke 10:25-27

In this morning’s gospel reading the lawyer asks two questions. The second question is ‘Who is my neighbour?’ The parable of the Good Samaritan is Jesus’ answer to that question. However, the parable, in reality, does not answer the question ‘Who is my neighbour?’ It answers a different question, ‘What does it mean to be a neighbour?’ That was the question Jesus himself asked at the end of the parable, ‘Which of these three proved himself a neighbour?’ Jesus implies that it is more important to be a neighbour than to ask ‘Who is my neighbour?’ The real neighbour doesn’t draw a distinction between those who are neighbours and those who are not. The real neighbour treats everyone in need as a neighbour, regardless of who they are, just as the Samaritan treated the broken traveller who was presumably a Jew as his neighbour. The lawyer was anxious to draw distinctions, ‘Who is my neighbour and who is not?’ Jesus, like the Samaritan, did not draw distinctions. He gave himself equally to all, whether they were Jews, Samaritans or pagans. He calls on his followers to do the same. We are to give expression to God’s compassionate presence to everyone without discrimination.

Remember that When you love yourself & glow from the inside, you attract a lot of people who love, respect & appreciate your energy. Everything starts with how you feel about yourself. Feel worthy. Feel valuable. Feel deserving of receiving the best.

“Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.” –Jimmy Durante
