Starlilly Birthing Services is proud to present our first real account in Family/Children’s book form of a cosmically special home birth entitled, “Selassie’s Landing”, authored by Lay Midwife & Childbirth Educator, Nova Glynn Burch, edited by Dr. Yaffa Bey with illustrations by Carina Reyblat.
Start your gift shopping early by purchasing this beautiful story about the arrival of Selassie RA TuTu. This book is a fun read for Family’s and will bring greater innerstanding and courage to Family’s seeking to birth at home.
Make this piece a part of your Families collection!
Purchase “Selassie’s Landing” at: #bookrelease #familybook #najaranaturals #homebirth #familybook #familybookclub? #childrensbooks #barnesandnoble #homebirthempowerment #jamaielshabaka