Tame Dung Beetles Like a Pro in Ark: Survival Ascended

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In ARK: Survival Evolved, Dung Beetles are essential creatures that convert feces into valuable resources like Fertilizer and Oil, making them a key part of any efficient farming and resource management strategy.

When it comes to survival in ARK: Survival Evolved, mastering the ecosystem and utilizing every resource is critical. One underrated, but incredibly valuable creature is the Dung Beetle. Not only does it help with waste management (yes, in-game waste), but it’s also your best ally for producing Fertilizer and Oil, which become essential as you scale up your base and farming operations. Let’s break down the concept of the Dung Beetle, where to find it, and how to tame this tiny powerhouse.

Understanding the Dung Beetle’s Role in ARK
The Dung Beetle is more than just a creepy-crawly in ARK—it’s a mobile fertilizer and oil production unit. Once tamed, you can feed it feces (small, medium, or large), and after some time, it converts the feces into Fertilizer and Oil. Fertilizer is crucial for farming crops, and the Oil it produces is an essential resource for crafting various items, including fuel. So, if you’re serious about efficiency and sustainability in ARK, you’ll want a few Dung Beetles in your arsenal.

Where to Find Dung Beetles in ARK
Dung Beetles are generally found in the darker, more secluded areas of the game, particularly in caves. These locations tend to house other dangerous creatures, so proceed with caution when hunting for one.

The Island Map: Head to caves like the Lower South Cave or the Central Cave. These areas not only harbor Dung Beetles but are also home to various other hostile creatures, so pack appropriately.

Scorched Earth: You can find Dung Beetles roaming the desert, often near the Grave of the Tyrants or in similar remote regions. Keep an eye out for them while managing the harsh conditions of the map.

Ragnarok: The Jungle Dungeon and Swamp Cave are prime locations for tracking them down on this map. As always, dungeons and caves house significant dangers, so go in prepared.

Aberration and Genesis: Both maps feature Dung Beetles in caves or dark, secluded zones. They may also roam the surface in some of the more radioactive areas, but caves remain the best bet.

How to Tame a Dung Beetle
Taming a Dung Beetle is one of the simpler tasks in ARK, but it’s not something you can rush. These creatures are passive tames, meaning they won’t attack you unless provoked, making the process less risky compared to taming aggressive creatures.

Get Your "Food" Ready:

Dung Beetles love feces—surprising, right? Larger feces, such as those from bigger creatures like Brontosaurus or Mammoth, speed up the taming process. You can use human feces, too, but it won’t be as efficient. The bigger the feces, the faster the tame.
Approach Carefully:

Once you locate a Dung Beetle, approach it slowly from behind. They are passive, but if you get too close or hit them by accident, they’ll become hostile. Crouch to reduce your chances of spooking them.
Feed It Feces:

Place feces in your last inventory slot (this is your “use” slot) and, when close enough, you’ll see the prompt to feed it. Do so, then back away. After a short while, it’ll be ready for another feeding. Repeat the process until the Dung Beetle is tamed.
Protect During Taming:

While taming, you’ll need to stay on high alert. Dung Beetles usually spawn in caves with other hostile creatures like scorpions or spiders, so make sure the area is clear or bring a strong mount to defend yourself during the taming process.
Tips for Taming Dung Beetles
Bigger Feces, Faster Tame: Always prioritize large creature feces. It drastically reduces the time needed to tame the beetle.

Tame Multiple Dung Beetles: You’ll want more than one Dung Beetle for a steady supply of Fertilizer and Oil. It’s efficient to have a few working simultaneously.

Carry a Mount: Taming inside caves is dangerous. Bring a reliable, strong mount to fend off other cave-dwelling threats.

Build a Safe Space for Dung Beetles: Once tamed, you can keep them in a safe enclosure near your farm. Set them on wander inside a pen to maximize Fertilizer and Oil production without worrying about them wandering off.

Why Tame Dung Beetles in ARK?
Dung Beetles simplify one of the game’s most important tasks: resource production. Instead of manually crafting Fertilizer and harvesting Oil, you can have a team of these beetles work around the clock to produce these materials for you. This becomes vital for:

Crop Growth: Once you set up a farm, Fertilizer is crucial to keeping crops alive. Having Dung Beetles on hand saves you time and energy that you would otherwise spend gathering resources for Fertilizer.

Oil Production: As you progress through ARK, Oil becomes essential for crafting, especially for fuel in machines. Dung Beetles give you a steady supply of Oil, reducing the time you’d spend searching for it in the wild.

Taming Dung Beetles in ARK can be a game-changer for players who want an efficient resource-production system. These little creatures might look small and unassuming, but they’re key to producing vital resources like Fertilizer and Oil. If you’re serious about maximizing your farming and crafting, learning the best tips and tricks for taming Dung Beetles is a must. Here’s what to do.

Tips and Tricks for Taming Dung Beetles
Go Big with Feces: Bigger is always better when it comes to taming Dung Beetles. Large feces from creatures like Brontosaurus or Mammoth significantly speed up the taming process. Don’t waste time with human feces if you have large animals around—it’ll drag the process out.

Stay Crouched and Quiet: Dung Beetles are passive creatures, but don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re totally harmless. If you approach too quickly or without caution, they’ll turn hostile. Crouching and approaching from behind ensures you don’t scare them off and turn an easy tame into a chaotic mess.

Clear the Area First: Dung Beetles often hang out in caves, which can be filled with hostile creatures. Before you start taming, clear the area of any threats. This way, you can focus on feeding the beetle without constantly having to fend off attackers.

Bring a Mount: If you’re venturing into caves, a sturdy mount can be your best ally. Strong creatures like a Direwolf or Sabertooth can help you clear out enemies quickly and protect you while taming.

Carry Multiple Large Feces: Dung Beetles don’t tame instantly. After the first feeding, you’ll need to wait for a cool-down period before feeding them again. Having multiple large feces on hand speeds up the process and saves time.

Keep Them Safe Post-Tame: Once you’ve tamed your Dung Beetle, build a secure pen for it near your base or farming operation. You’ll want to set the beetle on wander inside a confined space so it can continuously produce Fertilizer and Oil without wandering off or getting attacked.

By mastering these tricks, you’ll not only tame Dung Beetles faster but also streamline your resource management for farming and crafting in ARK. They’ll quietly convert feces into valuable materials while you focus on more pressing tasks like base defense or exploration.

Introduction to ARK: Survival Ascended Items
Now that ARK: Survival Ascended has introduced new features and upgrades, the item system has undergone significant changes that make it more engaging and rewarding. Understanding these new items and how to best use them will greatly enhance your gameplay experience.

Ascended Weapons and Tools: Ascended weapons and tools provide significant damage and harvesting boosts compared to standard gear. Whether you’re hunting high-level creatures or farming resources, having Ascended gear means less time wasted and more efficiency.

Ascended Armor: Ascended armor is a must-have for surviving harsh environments and tough creatures. With significantly higher durability and protection, it ensures you stay alive longer in more dangerous biomes.

New Crafting Materials: The game introduces new crafting materials essential for upgrading your gear to Ascended tiers. Farming these resources might take some time, but the rewards make every upgrade worth the effort.

Special Items and Buffs: In ARK: Survival Ascended, certain items offer buffs that directly enhance your stats, such as increased stamina, health, or resistance to specific environmental conditions. These items can turn the tide in both PvP and PvE scenarios, giving you an edge.

Why You Should Buy ARK: Survival Ascended Items
Investing in ARK: Survival Ascended items is more than just upgrading your character’s stats—it’s about unlocking the game’s full potential. Here’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to get your hands on these items:

Power Boost: Ascended items offer a major power boost compared to their regular counterparts. Higher-tier weapons, armor, and tools allow you to take on tougher challenges, including high-level creatures and stronger enemy tribes.

Resource Efficiency: Upgrading to Ascended tools means faster harvesting with less wear and tear. You’ll gather more resources in less time, which means quicker crafting, base building, and taming.

Enhanced Survival: ARK: Survival Evolved is brutal. Harsh weather, dangerous creatures, and enemy tribes can easily wipe you out. Ascended armor, however, drastically increases your chance of survival. Its superior durability and defensive stats make surviving even the deadliest environments much easier.

Competitive Edge in PvP: PvP in ARK can be unforgiving. Players who don’t keep up with the best gear often find themselves at a significant disadvantage. Having Ascended gear, especially in weapons and armor, gives you a major advantage when competing for resources, land, or even in direct player confrontations.

Faster Progression: Time matters in ARK. By acquiring better gear, you cut down on the grind, which means you’ll progress faster through the game’s stages. Whether you’re taming, farming, or building your base, Ascended items help speed up every aspect of the game. Due to its multiple uses in the game, some players will choose to buy ark items at mmowow.

Taming Dung Beetles is one of the smartest moves you can make for efficient farming and resource gathering in ARK: Survival Evolved. The same goes for upgrading to Ascended items in ARK: Survival Ascended—they elevate your gameplay experience by making you stronger, faster, and more capable of handling everything the game throws at you. Whether you’re out taming, gathering, or fighting other players, the right items and strategies make all the difference.
